Server ConfigurationScenarios (tab)

OneSpan Authentication Server comes with a number of functionality scenarios. These scenarios are provided so that you can split up the workload of your servers if desired.

The SYSTEM > Server Configuration > Scenarios tab allows you to enable, disable, and configure scenarios.

Enabling a specific scenario will only take effect if it is allowed by your license.

The following scenarios can only be enabled or disabled, without any further setting modifications:

  • Administration
  • Audit
  • Replication
  • Signature Validation
Table: Authentication scenario
Field name Description
MDC Server Address The IP address of the Message Delivery Component (MDC) server.
MDC Server Port

The server port of the Message Delivery Component (MDC) server.

Default value: 20007

MDC Server Pool Size

The number of concurrent connections to the Message Delivery Component (MDC) server. Each connection is used to handle one message delivery. If a message is taking longer to deliver, e.g. because the respective gateway is unresponsive, another connection is opened to process the next message, until all connections are in use.

Default value: 10

MDC Server Timeout

The timeout for requests that are sent to the Message Delivery Component (MDC) server (in seconds). This value should be longer than the connection timeouts configured for the respective gateways in the MDC configuration.

Default value: 20

Enable Windows Logon Determines whether to enable Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon (DAWL).
Table: Provisioning scenario – General
Field name Description
Min. Intervals

The minimum length of time in minutes between activation attempts for a particular authenticator. Applies to single-device licensing only.

Default value: 1440

Max. Attempts

The total number of successful activations per authenticator or authenticator license, respectively. Applies to single-device licensing and multi-device activation/multi-device licensing.

If you set the value to 0, the number of activations is unlimited.

Default value: 3

Max. Locations

The maximum number of different locations at which a particular authenticator can be activated.

This only applies where the location is specified as part of provisioning. Does not apply to multi-device activation/multi-device licensing.

Default value: 5

Table: Provisioning scenario – Online Provisioning
Field name Description
Registration Identifier Settings

The minimum length of the registration identifier for online provisioning of Mobile Authenticator Studio.

Default value: 8

Character Set

The character set used for the registration identifier.

Possible values:

  • Alphanumeric
  • Numeric

Default value: Alphanumeric


The letter case used for the character set for the registration identifier.

Possible values:

  • Lower Case
  • Mixed Case
  • Upper Case

Default value: Mixed Case

Activation Password Settings

The minimum length of the activation password for online provisioning of Mobile Authenticator Studio.

Default value: 8

Character Set

The character set used for the activation password.

Possible values:

  • Alphanumeric
  • Numeric

Default value: Alphanumeric


The letter case used for the character set for the activation password.

Possible values:

  • Lower Case
  • Mixed Case
  • Upper Case

Default value: Mixed Case

Table: Reporting Scenario
Field name Description
DSN Name of the ODBC data source where the audit information is stored.