
The vdsDPApplication table contains data for each authenticator application on each imported authenticator.


Table: vdsDPApplication table columns
Column name Data type Primary key Nullable Description
vdsSerialNo varchar(46) Yes No The serial number of the authenticator that contains the authenticator application.
vdsApplName varchar(32) Yes No The name of the authenticator application.
vdsApplNo integer No Yes

The index number of the application. It’s used for audit and trace messages and as reference when an operation was using a specific authenticator application.

Mainly used when retrieving offline authentication data (OAD) and for Secure Channel operations.

vdsApplType integer No Yes The type of the authenticator application.
vdsActive integer No Yes Determines whether the application is active or not. If it is not active, it cannot be used for authentication, provisioning or signature validation.
vdsBlob varchar(1024) No Yes  
vdsCreateTime timestamp No No The date and time the data record was created.
vdsModifyTime timestamp No No The date and time the data record was last modified.
vdsStorageKeyID varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsSensitiveKeyID varchar(255) No Yes  
vdsActivVector varchar(1024) No Yes The activation vector (for multi-device licensing (MDL)).
vdsSecureChannel integer No No Determines whether the application supports the secure channel feature or not.
vdsVersion integer No Yes The current data schema version of the data record.
vdsActivVectorKeyID varchar(255) No Yes The identifier of the sensitive data key used to encrypt the MDL activation vector (vdsActivVector).


Primary key: (vdsSerialNo, vdsApplName)

Foreign keys:

  • (vdsSerialNo) references vdsDigipass (vdsSerialNo)
  • (vdsStorageKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)
  • (vdsSensitiveKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)
  • (vdsActivVectorKeyID) references vdsKey (vdsKeyID)


Table: vdsDPApplication table indexes
Index name Included fields
Level 0 (default)

