Tcl Command-Line Administration tool (dpadmincmd)

The Tcl Command-Line Administration tool command-line application allows interactive command-line and scripted administration of authenticator-related data. It is an extension of the Tcl scripting language. Administrators require a basic competence in Tcl to use the command-line utility.

It has a number of possible uses:

  • Interactive command-line administration
  • Scripted administration
  • Complex bulk administration tasks
  • Reporting on the data in the data store

It consists of the following components:


This is a command-line application that can be used interactively or called from within a batch file, script, or another program. It provides a command-prompt window based on the Tcl interpreter.

OneSpan Tcl Extension Library

The main functionality is provided by the OneSpan extensions to Tcl. This provides a set of additional commands in a OneSpan namespace.

Tcl runtime

The OneSpan Authentication Server installation program also installs the Tcl runtime environment, which is necessary to run DPADMINCMD.

Windows command-line functions may be run from within Tcl Command-Line Administration tool. A new Windows command-line console may also be opened.