JSON model

The OneSpan Identity Verification REST API is based on resources defined in the OneSpan Identity Verification Transaction model. This model is fully specified by the JSON schemas that are described in these articles. All OneSpan Identity Verification JSON models are defined based on the JSON schema draft-04 specification.

For the JSON schema definition, refer to https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-zyp-json-schema-04.txt


  1. {
  2.   "workflow_id": "80b601c9-f102-4761-9eaa-90ba8fcb58b6",
  3.   "urlSetKey":"default",
  4.   "language": "english",
  5.   "opaque_id": "WorkflowExternalMitAtPwd=1234",
  6.   "brand_id": "a089f718-f12d-4b13-b82e-e1d8b324337d",
  7.   "configuration": {
  8.     "redirects": [
  9.       {
  10.         "id": "REDIRECT_DOCID_PASS",
  11.         "url": "https://www.overriddenUrl.com/?user={{userRole}}&transaction={{transactionId}}&opaqueId={{opaqueId}}"
  12.       }
  13.     ]
  14.   },
  15.   "users":[{
  16.     "groups": ["visible"],
  17.     "first_name": "John",
  18.     "middle_name": "",
  19.     "last_name": "Doe",
  20.     "title": "Mr.",
  21.     "role": "signer1",
  22.     "dob": "2013-07-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  23.     "phone_number": "+15550111",
  24.     "address":{
  25.       "country_code":"CA",
  26.       "county_or_province": "Quebec",
  27.       "city":"Montreal",
  28.       "town": "MyTown",
  29.       "street": "MyStreet",
  30.       "house_name": "MyHouse",
  31.       "house_number": "123",
  32.       "flat_or_appartment_number": "456",
  33.       "po_box": "MyPObox",
  34.       "post_code": "MyPostCode"
  35.     },
  36.     "company": "MyCompany"
  37.   }],
  38.   "tokens": [{
  39.     "role": "signer1"
  40.   }],
  41.   "documents": [{
  42.     "id": "ee02adab-4946-4fae-884f-d8990aaf776a",
  43.     "document_template_id": "babdf419-6144-4e01-b8fb-98c863c9a2f2"
  44.   }]
  45. }