jgarner | Posts: 6

eSL Backend Database / Reporting

0 votes
Hi, I have a question about data retrieval / reporting. Everything I've read thus far within the eSL documentation references the use of the Java/C# SDKs and/or the REST API for data retrieval and reporting. Is it possible to query data directly from the eSL backend database tables as opposed to the aforementioned methods? We're looking to build out an in-house reporting environment off of our eSL installation, so we're in the process of reviewing the best methods for retrieving production data for reporting purposes. Thanks, Jonathon

Approved Answer
mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

1 votes
If you get that to work, simply change the call type from POST to GET, put in the URL you tested above, and send the request and you should get your results. Edit: Looks like you got it to work. I hadn't gotten my email notification yet. :)

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

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Hey Jonathon, Currently, there isn't a way for you to query a back-end database directly to fill your database. The current recommended solution is to mix creating a callback listener to receive notifications from eSignLive when particular events happen and then utilize the API/SDK to gather further information upon those event notifications. It is in the plan to create an avenue for accessing a database or CSV file output to get information about your account, but I don't know that there is a firm date for that. Can you tell me what all you'd be looking to push to your database?

jgarner | Posts: 6

Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

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Michael, Thanks for following up. In our environment, we will have eSL "Accounts" for the different in-house applications that we're integrating with eSL. We've received a number of requests from our in-house partners for reporting along the lines of the following examples: - Total Packages In-Flight (By Account, By Submitting Associate) - Active Package Summary (# of days in-flight packages have been active, high/low/average/median stats, view by Account, view by Submitting Associate) - Total Packages Submitted / Completed (By Account, By Submitting Associate) - Time to Completion Summary I'm assuming we will able to derive the majority of the necessary data from a compilation of specific API calls? Can you elaborate a bit on where and how these API calls will take place? For example, would you recommend coding these calls into the in-house application for which we're integrating eSL? Or are these calls handled in a stand-alone environment? How are the response payloads typically handled as far as writing or storing them within a unique reporting environment? For context, we're running an On-Premise installation. Also, can you provide some direction on a good starting point for API call testing? For example, would you recommend working with a tool like Postman or SoapUI? We we're given a few example API calls to work with, but I'm receiving "401 Unauthorized" errors on the majority of my testing attempts. Screenshot attached. Example calls: https://sandbox.e-signlive.com/api/reports/completion?status=SENT&from=2015-11-01&to=2016-06-01 https://sandbox.e-signlive.com/api/reports/completion?status=SENT&from=2015-11-01&to=2016-06-01 https://sandbox.e-signlive.com/api/reports/completion?status=COMPLETED&from=2015-11-01&to=2016-06-01 Thanks, Jonathon

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

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Unauthorized error on your call is caused by an incorrect Authorization header. It should be: Authorization: Basic {API_Key} Where {API_Key} is the api key for the account that you're attempting to access packages from. Postman is what me and a couple others I know use if not just testing with code. You say you're going to be installing an on-premise version of eSL? If so, you should be able to access your back end database for the application. Unfortunately, you won't be able to test this with the sandbox. All of the reports you mention above should be able to be created from information you can grab from the API though, if you want to set some up while you're doing your POC and dev work with the sandbox. Let me know how you're structuring your entire API call if you continue to have issues with the unauthorized error.

jgarner | Posts: 6

Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

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Michael, Good to hear about DB access for On-Premise installations. Still running into authentication errors when attempting to test API calls via Postman. I've attached a few screenshots of my attempts in addition to my attempted workflow below. 1.) GET https://sandbox.e-signlive.com/api/reports/completion?status=COMPLETED&from=2016-06-01&to=2016-07-31 2.) Authorization tab >> Set Type = "Basic Auth" >> Username and Password fields appear (Are these necessary?) 3.) Headers tab >> Set key = Authorization and value = My sandbox account API key (MY_API_KEY) 4.) Send 5.) Error Code 401 - Unauthorized **** EDIT - Second Attempt 1.) GET https://sandbox.e-signlive.com/api/reports/completion?status=COMPLETED&from=2016-06-01&to=2016-07-31 2.) Authorization tab >> Type = Basic Auth 3.) Username = "Authorization" // Password = API Key 4.) Send 5.) Same 401 - Unauthorized error Any thoughts? Thanks, Jonathon

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

1 votes
Let's just do something simple, first, to make sure you're connecting. Set this up: Skip the authorization tab and just set up the Authorization Header in the headers tab. See postman1.png. For the body, set it up as in postman2.png. Switch out my packageId for a package Id from one of your draft packages. This should be a POST request to URL - https://sandbox.esignlive.com/api/senderAuthenticationTokens If you don't have problems with this, we'll move on to trying to grab a list of packages. :)

postman1.png12.73 KB
postman2.png83.39 KB
mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

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Oh, and the giant blue blob in postman1.png is where you should put your API Key.

jgarner | Posts: 6

Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

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Got it. That successfully returned an Authentication Token. On to the next step... :) Really appreciate your help on this. Thanks, Jonathon

jgarner | Posts: 6

Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

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Working! Good to go. Thanks again! Jonathon

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

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Fantastic! Glad it's working for you, now!

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