Duo_Liang submitted April 21 2021

Before you applying this code to your Salesforce environment, make sure you have read the my blog series and completed the following tasks:

  • Register a Salesforce Connected App and enable Oauth2 authentication
  • Retrieve a refresh token for this app
  • Update OneSpan Sign Callback Service

OAuth Event Notification for Salesforce – Part 1
OAuth Event Notification for Salesforce – Part 2
OAuth Event Notification for Salesforce – Part 3

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bthirupathireddy | Posts: 14

Reply to: Set up Callback Listener in Salesforce

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Hi Duo

Could you please provide documentation on how to set up callback listener in Guidewire ClaimCenter v8.


Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi bthirupathireddy,


Have you downloaded the OSS Guidewire v9 Accelerator from marketplace? Not sure how different it is from v8, but it exposes a callback endpoint by creating and registering a servlet class.


It's registered at the \modules\configuration\config\servlet\servlets.xml

Step2: the servlet looks like below: (I've simplified the code)

public class OneSpanListener extends AbstractBasicAuthenticationServlet {

  override function doPost(request : HttpServletRequest, response : HttpServletResponse) {

    try {
      var servletUser : User

      servletUser = ServletUtils.getBasicAuthenticatedUser(request)


      var content = new StringBuilder()
      var inputLine = request.getReader().readLine()
      while (inputLine != null) {
        inputLine = request.getReader().readLine()
      var text = content.toString()

      //process callback payload


    } catch (ex : Exception) {

  override function isAuthenticationRequired(req : HttpServletRequest) : boolean {
      return true


Step3: in this case, the endpoint is exposed at {server_url}/cc/service/onespanstatus

Step4: Guidewire servlet accepts Basic authentication, therefore, base64 encode your Guidewire username and password in format of:


And use it as the callback key in your OneSpan Sign account.




bthirupathireddy | Posts: 14

Reply to: Set up Callback Listener in Salesforce

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Thanks Duo for replying. We did as you said but we are getting exception 503 service unavailable 

Our URL :http://localhost:8080//cc/service/onespanstatus 


Reason(s): status code: 503, reason phrase: 503: Service Unavailable 

What should we do in this case ?

bthirupathireddy | Posts: 14

Reply to: Set up Callback Listener in Salesforce

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Thanks Duo for replying. We did as you said but we are getting exception 503 service unavailable 

Our URL :http://localhost:8080//cc/service/onespanstatus 


Reason(s): status code: 503, reason phrase: 503: Service Unavailable 

What should we do in this case ?

bthirupathireddy | Posts: 14

Reply to: Set up Callback Listener in Salesforce

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Thanks Duo for replying. We did as you said but we are getting exception 503 service unavailable 

Our URL :http://localhost:8080//cc/service/onespanstatus 


Reason(s): status code: 503, reason phrase: 503: Service Unavailable 

What should we do in this case ?

bthirupathireddy | Posts: 14

Reply to: Set up Callback Listener in Salesforce

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Thank you Duo I appreciate your help :)

bthirupathireddy | Posts: 14

Reply to: Set up Callback Listener in Salesforce

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Hi Duo,


Can you respond to this question if you have any insights on this issue ?


talk2bks | Posts: 35

Reply to: Set up Callback Listener in Salesforce

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I am working through this process. I have the reset_token from part 1 and it tested sucessfully in the first of part 2. I have pushed these settings to OneSpan using Postman and I used the "get" to test and it looks like it returned just fine.

However, when completing the signing of a transaction, I'm not seeing any signs that it's coming through. There are no logs popping up in the Dev Console. It could be the key.

From my understanding, the key is a base64 json line derived from:


host - this is my sandbox
client_id - this was created from my connected app in Salesforce
refresh_token - this was created in part 1 and tested successfully in part 2.

I took this code and put it in https://codebeautify.org/json-to-base64-converter which created a really long string. This string is what I'm using as a part of the key.

I'm hoping I've done everything correctly?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Set up Callback Listener in Salesforce

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Hi Brian,


Is this a Salesforce initiated transaction? If that's the case, try to set this package data when transaction creation:
 “data” > “origin” : “OSS” 

Apex code could look like this:

OneSpanAPIObjects.Data data = new OneSpanAPIObjects.Data();

data.origin = 'OSS';

pkg.data = data;




talk2bks | Posts: 35

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Thanks Duo,

I have edited the OneSpanAPIObjects.cls. The dev log shows this when sending the package

{"status":"SENT","data":{"sdk":"Apex v1.0","origin":"oss","esl_doc_extract_type":"1"}}


Originally, origin had "Salesforce". It also should be noted that "oss" is in lowercase. Does this need to be all uppercase?

Also, I've used 3 different websites to create a base64 string of the json code. All three have returned different results. They are small but they are different.

talk2bks | Posts: 35

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Thanks Duo,

I have edited the OneSpanAPIObjects.cls. The dev log shows this when sending the package

{"status":"SENT","data":{"sdk":"Apex v1.0","origin":"oss","esl_doc_extract_type":"1"}}


Originally, origin had "Salesforce". It also should be noted that "oss" is in lowercase. Does this need to be all uppercase?

Also, I've used 3 different websites to create a base64 string of the json code. All three have returned different results. They are small but they are different.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Brian,


For the "host" field in your base64 decoded oAuth key, can you try to make it "login.salesforce.com" (now it's test.salesforce.com):


Your client id and refresh token look good to me.



talk2bks | Posts: 35

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Thanks Duo,

I have made the origin "OSS". I have also changed the host field to login.salesforce.com"...

I'm taking all that and putting it in https://www.base64encode.org. And I'm putting all that in the postman ->


Post: https://sandbox.esignlive.com/api/callback/connectors/salesforceOauth2


  "url": "https://xxx/services/apexrest/oss/callback",
  "key": "eyJob3N0IjoibG9nxxxbzJaLmkuUSJ9"

The Key: is 316 characters

I just put uploaded a new transaction and signed. I didn't get any logs nor the documents didn't get downloaded.

I did go into Salesforce Workbench and posted the package and that works. I believe any issues is hungup in this one process.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Brian,


While I was checking your oAuth info, I found that your callback URL is:


However after I manually retrieved an access token via refresh token flow by building this link:


The instance URL in response says "https://oxxn.my.salesforce.com".

And with this access token, I can't authenticate the callback request to your callback URL.




talk2bks | Posts: 35

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That's what I get for being signed into production while setting this up.

I have redone the token and I have double checked that it should be going to oceancanyon--brian.... If you want to double check, please do.

Even with the change, I'm still not posting any logs in the dev console and I'm not seeing the files downloaded. I have double checked the code through workbench so the OssCallbackResources.cls seems to be working.

In the key, I have "url":"login.salesforce.com" even though I'm testing in a sandbox. Didn't know if that was okay.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Set up Callback Listener in Salesforce

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Hi Brian,


This time it looks better. 

(1)Try to set your oAuth callback URL as 


(2)In oAuth key, set the host as "test.salesforce.com"




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