cindy | Posts: 380

Retrieve API key from the owner account via API call

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is it possible to retrieve API key from the owner account via API call? currently I knew, I can retrieve the sender account API key via API call.




Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Retrieve API key from the owner account via API call

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Hi Cindy,


Thanks for your post! Is it an one-time operation or you want to implement a regular use case? This is because we normally suggest our users to retrieve the account owner's API Key from their own sender portal and stored safely at their local instead of querying via API call. If the owner accidentally forgot their password, they could hit the "Forgot your password" button on the login page to recover that.



cindy | Posts: 380

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Hi Duo,

we are thinking of those accounts will be used in PROD for integration purpose not for sender UI, and we don't want to have person to login the account to get the API key, and want to know if there is way to get it via API call, maybe we should build a small application for that. 

Also we met Jose from your PS team, he suggested that we can use API call to retrieve, so I am not we can do it for owner account? 

Jose mentioned that in new version of SaaS, there is another way for authentication other than API key, do you have any idea how to do that?




Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Cindy,


I believe Jose was referring to the OAuth Client token, you can refer to my blog for more information:


Even if it's for integration purpose, I think at least the first time the account owners need to log onto their portals and retrieve the API Key or register an Oauth Client from UI. After you got the API Key or OAuth client ID + Secret, your application can store the information for any further usage (including to obtain other sender's API Key).



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