Ryan_Coleman | Posts: 258

Combining Approvals for same signer

0 votes
Guys - I have a document with 4 signature fields. When I tried to combine the fields for the one signer, it didn't work. Do we have to create a new approval for each new field that we are trying to sign? If not, can I get a JSON Package example of how to do it since mine isn't working. This is what I am currently using to get the four signatures for the one signer.
  "documents": [
      "approvals": [
          "id": "Signer1",
          "role": "Role1",
          "fields": [
              "binding": null,
              "page": 1,
              "top": 124.67089771200017,
              "subtype": "FULLNAME",
              "height": 41.0,
              "left": 93.600000000000009,
              "width": 194.89600000000002,
              "type": "SIGNATURE"
          "id": "Signer2",
          "role": "Role1",
          "fields": [
              "binding": null,
              "page": 1,
              "top": 124.67089771200017,
              "subtype": "FULLNAME",
              "height": 41.0,
              "left": 441.089984127,
              "width": 194.89600000000007,
              "type": "SIGNATURE"
          "id": "Signer3",
          "role": "Role1",
          "fields": [
              "binding": null,
              "page": 1,
              "top": 185.11569561900012,
              "subtype": "FULLNAME",
              "height": 41.0,
              "left": 93.600000000000009,
              "width": 194.89600000000002,
              "type": "SIGNATURE"
          "id": "Signer4",
          "role": "Role1",
          "fields": [
              "binding": null,
              "page": 1,
              "top": 185.11569561900012,
              "subtype": "FULLNAME",
              "height": 41.0,
              "left": 440.63501587300004,
              "width": 194.89599999999996,
              "type": "SIGNATURE"
      "id": "TESTDOC",
      "name": "TESTDOC"
  "status": "SENT",
  "type": "PACKAGE",
  "roles": [
      "id": "Role1",
      "type": "SIGNER",
      "signers": [
          "id": "Signer1",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "firstName": "Tester",
          "lastName": "Email"
      "name": "Role1"
  "name": "TESTDOC"

Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Combining Approvals for same signer

1 votes
Hi Ryan, The payload you are currently using is correct. And there's no solution to combine approvals for same signer if you want to use JSON payload to create/update a package. (you can definitely use extraction ways to simplify the process) As you may noticed, you can have multiple fields in an approval but among them, you can have only one field with type of "SIGNATURE", this signature field works as the only trigger. For example, you can have different text and date fields binding to an approval, once the click-to-sign is clicked by signer, the binded date field will be injected with the current date, and the text fields will not be editable anymore. If only one signature can be applied for each approval, this binding will be confirmed without ambiguity. Hope this could help you! Duo

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