Hattabitos | Posts: 24

Get signing status using signerID

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In our code, we are using the change signer feature. .CanChangeSigner() Once a new signer is assigned, the eSL server generates random signer ID. How can we get the signerID using .net to get the signing status of this signer. Please note that we can't use callbacks in our environment

Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Get signing status using signerID

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11_22.zip781 bytes
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Get signing status using signerID

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Hi there, In attachment, there's some code snippet allowing you to get signer ID by the new email. This is the definition and sample usage of the function:
public String GetSignerIdByEmail(String apiKey, String baseUrl, String packageId, String email)

String signerId = new _11_22().GetSignerIdByEmail("your_api_key", "https://sandbox.esignlive.com", "T2NYsTrrrrccJqwABfGLTGo9mNk=", "esignguide111@mailinator.com");
Once you retrieve the signer ID, you can call SDK functions eslClient.GetSigningStatus(packageId, signerId1, null); to get signing status. Hope this could help! Duo

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