This section provides an overview of changes introduced in the Image Generator SDK to facilitate the integration of the SDK and provide information on backward compatibility.

Version 4.24.0


General changes

  • Added IImageGeneratorSDK interface
  • Renamed namespace from Vasco to OneSpan
  • Added C# XML comments

Previous versions

Version 4.23.0


Migrated from .NET Framework to .NET 6.

The SDK has been migrated from .NET Framework to .NET 6 to leverage the upgraded features.

Re-factored SDK

The Image Generator SDK has been re-factored to modernize and improve the code resulting in a number of code changes. We recommend that you review your integrations to make sure these changes are reflected in your code.

General changes

  • Migrated from .NET Framework to .NET 6
  • Renamed the namespace Com.Vasco to Vasco
  • Added the CrontoImageResponse class

Changes in the ImageGeneratorSDKException class

  • Updated the GetErrorMessage() method to the Message property
  • Updated the GetErrorCode() method to the ErrorCode property
  • Deleted the SetErrorCode() method
  • Updated the GetCause() method to the Cause property
  • Deleted the SetCause() method

Changes in the BWQRCodeResponse class

  • Updated the imageBitmap constructor parameter type from System.Drawing.Bitmap to SkiaSharp.SKBitmap
  • Updated the getImage() method to ImageBitmap property
  • Deleted the setImage() method
  • Updated the getBooleanMatrix() method to the BooleanMatrix property
  • Updated the setBooleanMatrix(bool[][] booleanMatrix) method to the BooleanMatrix property

Changes in the ImageGeneratorSDK class

  • Updated the GenerateCrontoSign method return type form System.Drawing.Bitmap to CrontoImageResponse
  • Updated the GenerateDynamicCrontoImage method return type form System.Drawing.Bitmap to CrontoImageResponse


Target API increased to Android 12 (API 31)

To meet new requirements for apps published on the Google Play Store, the target version of the SDK has been increased to Android 12 with API 31 or higher. This change is needed to avoid APK rejection caused by security issues found with the older API versions.

Minimum supported version increased to Android 6 (API 23)

The minimum supported version has been increased to fully support new features and devices. Deprecated code has been replaced and simplified to be compatible with API 23 or higher.


Increased the minimum supported version to iOS 13

The minimum supported version has been increased to fully support all ARM64 devices and SwiftUI features. Deprecated code has been removed and replaced with code fully supporting iOS 13 or higher.

Fixed internal error conversion issues

Error codes converted between Objective-C and Swift need to have the NSCustomError setting implemented to display the correct value. Without this setting, the wrong codes could be displayed from the enum. The setting has been implemented in all the remaining error handling objects.