dlukic | Posts: 46

Programmatic user management

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I will have a great number of users to maintain. In order to simplify process and to make adding and modifying users I need to (or prefer to) 1. Add users programmatically (this probably has to return user API key) 2. Once user is added I would need to modify a. Callback URL b. Callback Key c. Select events Is this possible to achieve and how?

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Programmatic user management

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For 1, you can add senders to your account programatically. See this blog: https://www.esignlive.com/blog/esignlive-how-to-managing-senders/ However, you'd still have to contact support to get an individual API key for each sender. You could however, use the main API key and define your sender info at a package level to send from a particular sender in the account. For 2, the Callback settings are all on an account level, so you couldn't set these differently for each individual sender. What you're wanting is for each sender to have a different callback URL? What would this be for? To know who the package belongs to? If so, you'd be able to grab the sender info from the package to access this. Let me know.

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