Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon event log reference

In case of issues, check the events that Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon writes to the Windows event log.

Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon event sources
Event source Event log category
DAWL AuthBroker System
DAWL AuthBrokerUser Application
DAWL Config Application
DAWL CredProv System
DAWL CredProvUser Application
DAWL Diag Application
DAWL PwdFilter System
DAWL Tray Application
Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon error events
Event ID Description

The configuration of the password filter is corrupt. Unexpected value in registry key.


An unexpected system error occurred.


The password filter failed to load.


An error occurred unloading the password filter.


An error occurred during the password change.


An error occurred during the password change. The password change was blocked.

1104 An error occurred during the password change for user. The password change was ignored.
2030 There are currently no logon servers available to service the initial Digipass authentication on this machine. A connection to the domain controller is required.
2031 There are currently no instances of OneSpan Authentication Server available to service the logon request.
2032 The Digipass authentication data is corrupt and was automatically repaired.
2033 Authentication failed. An unexpected OneSpan Authentication Server error occurred.
2034 Authentication failed. An unexpected error occurred.
Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon warning events
Event source Event log category
2020 Authentication failed. An online OTP verification failed.
2021 Authentication failed. Unable to connect to server and the offline verification failed.
2022 Authentication failed and account locked. Unable to connect to server and the offline verification failed.
2023 Authentication failed. Unable to connect to server and the offline verification failed due to locked user account.
2024 Authentication failed. Unable to connect to server and the offline verification failed due to expired offline authentication data.
2025 Authentication failed. Unable to connect to server and the offline verification failed due to expired offline authentication data and incorrect Virtual Mobile Authenticator data.
2026 Offline data could not be downloaded.
Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon information events
Event source Event log category
1001 The password filter is enabled.
1002 The password filter is disabled.
1003 The password filter is reloaded due to a configuration change.
1004 A password change occurred and was not tracked by the disabled password filter.
1005 A password change occurred and was blocked by the disabled password filter.
1100 Password change for user succeeded.
1101 Password change for user was ignored, because the offline authentication data is locked.
1102 Password change for user was ignored, because offline authentication is disabled.
1103 Password change for user was ignored, because the user never logged in using a Digipass authenticator.
2000 Online OTP verification was successful.
2001 Offline OTP verification was successful.
2002 A Digipass server PIN change of the user is required before logging on.
2010 The Digipass authenticator with the specified serial number was assigned to the user.
2011 The password of the user was changed. A Digipass authenticator is required to log on.
2012 The grace period for static password logon of the user is about to expire. Afterwards, a Digipass authenticator is required to log on.
2013 The grace period for static password logon of the user has expired. Afterwards, a Digipass authenticator is required to log on.
2014 Offline data was successfully downloaded.