Configure primary and backup OneSpan Authentication Server instances

The Virtual Mobile Authenticator OTP Request Website supports a backup OneSpan Authentication Server instance to use if the primary server instance becomes unavailable. This prevents interruptions of the authentication service, even if one of the OneSpan Authentication Server hosts is shut down for maintenance.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have two OneSpan Authentication Server instances installed and configured correctly.

Configure a primary and a backup OneSpan Authentication Server instance

To configure primary and backup servers, you need to specify the respective IP addresses of the hosts in the Virtual Mobile Authenticator OTP Request Website configuration file.

To configure primary and backup OneSpan Authentication Server instances

  1. Open the following file in the Virtual Mobile Authenticator OTP Request Website web application installation folder:

    • install_dir/WEB-INF/classes/com/vasco/identikey/controller/ (Linux)
    • install_dir\WEB-INF\classes\com\vasco\identikey\controller\ (Windows)
  2. Modify the following two lines with the respective IP addresses:


    You can set to an empty value if you do not want to use a backup server.

  3. Restart the web server service.