To configure App Shielding for your applications, select the options on the Configuration Page of the OneSpan Customer Portal as needed.

Configuration options for iOS

Configuration options for iOS
Option Description
Exit on debugger URL [Deprecated]

There is no guarantee that this URL is triggered even though a debugger is attached. It is recommended to not use this option.

This option is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

Check developer mode

Checks if Developer Mode is enabled on the device.

Developer Mode was introduced in iOS 16 and enables development capabilities on an iOS device. When enabled, it will reduce the security of the device since it opens up to some attack vectors abusing developer-only functionality.

Exit on developer mode

Determines whether to exit the application when Developer Mode is detected on the device.

Exit on developer mode URL
Check hooking frameworks

Checks if hooking frameworks were detected in the application’s process.

Exit on hooking frameworks

Determines whether to exit the application when hooking frameworks are detected in the application’s process.

Depends on: Check hooking frameworks

Exit on hooking frameworks URL

If Exit on hooking frameworks is used, a browser can be launched with a preconfigured URL which may explain the problem to the user. If no URL is configured, then the browser is not invoked.

Depends on: Exit on hooking frameworks

Check jailbreak

Checks if the device on which the application runs is jailbroken.

Exit on jailbreak

Determines whether to exit the application if the device is jailbroken.

Depends on: Check jailbreak

Exit on jailbreak URL

Depends on: Exit on jailbreak

User screenshot monitor

Checks if the user takes a screenshot of the application.

Exit on user screenshot

Determines whether to exit the application when the user takes a screenshot.

Due to constraints related to the operating system, App Shielding cannot prevent the user from taking a screenshot. The screenshot will be taken even if the application has been exited.

Exit on user screenshot URL

Depends on: Exit on user screenshot

Block external screens

Blocks external screens (connected through an adapter or through Airplay) and prevent them from mirroring the application window.

This feature is unavailable to apps using UISceneDelegate in iOS 13 and later.

Application signer certificate

The certificate used to sign the application.

Prevent system screenshot

Prevents iOS from taking screenshots of the application. This screenshot is available on the list of open applications when the application is in the background.

Prevent system screenshot only in background

Only block an application once it completely enters the background.

Depends on: Prevent system screenshot.

Prevent system screenshot bg color

The background color to use for the screenshot replacement graphics. The value describes the color as a 6-character hexadecimal string, providing the red, green, and blue values (e.g. ffffff for white, ff0000 for red, 00ff00 for green, and 0000ff for blue).

Depends on: Prevent system screenshot

Prevent system screenshot image path

The path to an image to use for screenshot replacement. If this resolves to a UIImagecompatible image file or a XIB file containing a single view, the resulting view will be presented in the event a screenshot is attempted. The background color defined with the Prevent system screenshot bg color option will fill in any areas not covered by the view (see Prevent system screenshot bg color).

The path to the image is relative to the application bundle, the XIB is just the name of the XIB within the main bundle. If the image is in a subdirectory, use a slash (/) as a directory separator (e.g. subdir/image.png).

The image will be centered and scaled to the screen size, keeping the aspect ratio. If the image aspect ratio does not match the screen, the parts of the screen which are not covered by the image will show the specified fill color. If the image could not be loaded for any reason, the screenshot replacement will fall back to use a specified solid background color instead.

Depends on: Prevent system screenshot

Prevent system screenshot blur strength

Determines whether the screenshot replacepment graphics show a blurred representation of the window. A positive value enables this feature. Higher values result in stronger blurring. If blurring fails for any reason, the screenshot replacement will fall back to use a solid background color instead, as defined with the Prevenst system screenshot bg color option (see Prevent system screenshot bg color).

This does not necessarily prevent an attacker from recovering the blurred information. Depending on the nature of the data and the strength of the blur filter, this may not even be particularly difficult. However, if a proper strength is chosen, this may be sufficient to hide the information from accidental revelation.

Depends on: Prevent system screenshot

Check screen recording

Checks if a screen is being recorded.

Exit on screen recording

Determines whether to exit the application when the screen is being recorded.

Depends on: Check screen recording

Exit on screen recording URL

If Exit on screen recording is used and an URL is set, a web browser can be started with a preconfigured URL to explain the problem to the user. If no URL is configured, then the browser is not invoked.

Depends on: Exit on screen recording

Prevent runtime library injection

Prevents injection of libraries into the application during runtime.

Runtime library injection prevention mode [Deprecated]

Defines a policy for how the decision on blocking an injected library is made.

This option will be ignored on iOS/iPadOS 12 or newer, the "non-strict" method will always be used. Since iOS/iPadOS (and earlier) is no longer supported by App Shielding, this option is deprecated and will be removed.

For more information, see Runtime library injection prevention mode.

Check load-time library injection

Check if libraries were injected into the application’s process at load-time.

App Shielding protects against injection of libraries during runtime. However, it cannot protect against injection of libraries during load-time. Because of that, and also as a second layer of protection against injection during load-time, App Shielding can detect when there are libraries inside the process that should not be there, i.e. have been injected.

Exit on load-time library injection

Determines whether to exit the application when libraries were injected into the application’s process at load-time.

OneSpan highly recommends having this setting enabled for release versions, ideally in combination with the browser reporting feature. In case of libraries being injected into the app's process, the application cannot be trusted anymore, meaning that code that reacts to callbacks can easily be patched out.

Also note that code injection is usually happening on jailbroken devices that have the hooking framework MobileSubstrate installed, which injects libraries into all processes. Because of that, users of apps that are protected by App Shielding should be advised to uninstall MobileSubstrate.

Depends on: Check load-time library injection

Exit on load-time library injection URL

If Exit on load-time library injection is used, a browser can be launched with a preconfigured URL which may explain the problem to the user. If no URL is configured, then the browser is not invoked.

Depends on: Exit on load-time library injection

Updatable configuration
Updatable configuration

Specify whether the app will use the Automatic Configuration feature.

Since App Shielding v4.0, it is no longer possible to disable the checkRepackaging and exitOnRepackaging configuration options. If App Shielding detects that the application was repackaged, it will crash and shutdown the application during startup. Ensure that you always specify the correct signer certificate, configured with the applicationSignerCertificate option. For more information, see Application signer certificate.

Also, as of App Shielding version 4.0, anti-debugging has been improved to ensure that the blockDebugger, checkDebugger, and exitOnDebugger options cannot be disabled.

Application signer certificate

Defines the signer certificate(s) that App Shielding trusts when checking for repackaging. That is, App Shielding assumes the app has been repackaged if the certificate used to sign the app does not match any of the given certificates here. The exception is that App Shielding implicitly trusts the certificates that Apple uses to re-sign an app when it is deployed through TestFlight or the App Store. This implicit trust can be disabled using the disableAppStoreTrust and disableTestFlightTrust options.

To configure App Shielding to trust multiple certificates of your own (e.g., development and distribution certificates), add a separate applicationSignerCertificate option for each certificate.

To export the certificate from the keychain

  1. Launch Keychain Access.
  2. Right click on the certificate to use.
  3. Select Export….
  4. Select the Certificate file format (.cer)

Runtime library injection prevention mode

Determines how an injected library is blocked.

This option is ignored on iOS/iPadOS 12 or newer, and the "non-strict" method will always be used. Since iOS/iPadOS (and earlier) is no longer supported by App Shielding, this option is deprecated and will be removed.

Possible values:

  • strict. Performs a strict check of libraries. This might block certain system libraries that are also loaded as extensions.

  • non-strict. Performs a non-strict check of libraries. This will not block system libraries that are loaded as extensions, but reduces security.

  • policy. Performs a strict check on jailbroken devices and a non-strict check on devices that are not jailbroken.

For strict checks, App Shielding considers the library as non-malicious if one of the following conditions apply:

  • The library is signed by Apple, or the configured signer of the app. This is the normal case for libraries shipped with the app.
  • The library comes from the shared library cache, and is not found in the file system if the dynamic loader dyld overrides the library cache. This is the normal case for system libraries.

For non-strict checks, the following condition is added:

  • The library is ad-hoc signed in exactly the same way Apple ad-hoc signs some of its libraries. This is the case for system libraries that are not in the shared library cache.

This option is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

To configure App Shielding for your applications, open the relevant project and configuration in the OneSpan Mobile Portal and select the options as needed.

Configuration options for iOS

Configuration options for iOS
Option Description

Exit on debugger URL [Deprecated]

The URL of the web page with an explanation to launch when the application is shut down because a debugger has been detected.

There is no guarantee that this URL is triggered even though a debugger is attached. It is recommended to not use this option.

For more information, see Exit URL Launching.

This option is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

Developer Mode
Check Developer Mode

Checks if Developer Mode is enabled on the device.

Developer Mode was introduced in iOS 16 and enables development capabilities on an iOS device. When enabled, it will reduce the security of the device since it opens up to some attack vectors abusing developer-only functionality.

Exit on Developer Mode

Determines whether to exit the application when Developer Mode is detected on the device.

Exit on developer mode URL

The URL of the web page with an explanation to launch when the application is shut down because Developer Mode has been enabled on the device.

For more information, see Exit URL Launching.

Hooking Frameworks
Check hooking frameworks

Checks if hooking frameworks were detected in the application’s process.

Exit on hooking frameworks

Determines whether to exit the application when hooking frameworks are detected in the application’s process.

Depends on: Check hooking frameworks

Exit on hooking frameworks URL

The URL of the web page with an explanation to launch when the application is shut down because a hooking framework has been detected.

Depends on: Exit on hooking frameworks

Check jailbreak

Checks if the device on which the application runs is jailbroken.

Exit on jailbreak

Determines whether to exit the application if the device is jailbroken.

Depends on: Check jailbreak

Exit on jailbreak URL

The URL of the web page with an explanation to launch when the application is shut down if the device is jailbroken.

For more information, see Exit URL Launching.

Depends on: Exit on jailbreak

User Screenshots
User screenshot monitor

Checks if the user takes a screenshot of the application.

Exit on user screenshot

Determines whether to exit the application when the user takes a screenshot.

Due to constraints related to the operating system, App Shielding cannot prevent the user from taking a screenshot. The screenshot will be taken even if the application has been exited.

Exit on user screenshot URL

The URL of the web page with an explanation to launch when the application is shut down if the user takes a screenshot.

For more information, see Exit URL Launching.

Depends on: Exit on user screenshot

System Screenshots
Prevent system screenshot

Prevents iOS from taking screenshots of the application. This screenshot is available on the list of open applications when the application is in the background.

Prevent system screenshot only in background

Only block an application once it completely enters the background.

Depends on: Prevent system screenshot.

Prevent system screenshot bg color

The background color to use for the screenshot replacement graphics. The value describes the color as a 6-character hexadecimal string, providing the red, green, and blue values (e.g. ffffff for white, ff0000 for red, 00ff00 for green, and 0000ff for blue).

Depends on: Prevent system screenshot

Prevent system screenshot image path

The path to an image to use for screenshot replacement. If this resolves to a UIImagecompatible image file or a XIB file containing a single view, the resulting view will be presented in the event a screenshot is attempted. The background color defined with the Prevent system screenshot bg color option will fill in any areas not covered by the view (see Prevent system screenshot bg color).

The path to the image is relative to the application bundle, the XIB is just the name of the XIB within the main bundle. If the image is in a subdirectory, use a slash (/) as a directory separator (e.g. subdir/image.png).

The image will be centered and scaled to the screen size, keeping the aspect ratio. If the image aspect ratio does not match the screen, the parts of the screen which are not covered by the image will show the specified fill color. If the image could not be loaded for any reason, the screenshot replacement will fall back to use a specified solid background color instead.

Depends on: Prevent system screenshot

Prevent system screenshot blur strength

Determines whether the screenshot replacepment graphics show a blurred representation of the window. A positive value enables this feature. Higher values result in stronger blurring. If blurring fails for any reason, the screenshot replacement will fall back to use a solid background color instead, as defined with the Prevenst system screenshot bg color option (see Prevent system screenshot bg color).

This does not necessarily prevent an attacker from recovering the blurred information. Depending on the nature of the data and the strength of the blur filter, this may not even be particularly difficult. However, if a proper strength is chosen, this may be sufficient to hide the information from accidental revelation.

Depends on: Prevent system screenshot

Screen Recording
Check Screen recording

Checks if a screen is being recorded.

Exit on screen recording

Determines whether to exit the application when the screen is being recorded.

Depends on: Check screen recording

Exit on screen recording URL

The URL of the web page with an explanation to launch when the application is shut down if the screen is being recorded.

For more information, see Exit URL Launching.

Depends on: Exit on screen recording

External Screens
Block external screens

Blocks external screens (connected through an adapter or through Airplay) and prevent them from mirroring the application window.

This feature is unavailable to apps using UISceneDelegate in iOS 13 and later.

Application signer certificate

The certificate used to sign the application.

For more information, see Application signer certificate.

Library Injection
Check load-time library injection

Checks if libraries were injected into the application’s process during load-time.

App Shielding protects against injection of libraries during runtime. However, it cannot protect against injection of libraries during load-time. Because of that, and also as a second layer of protection against injection during load-time, App Shielding can detect when there are libraries inside the process that should not be there, i.e. have been injected.

Exit on load-time library injection

Determines whether to exit the application when libraries were injected into the application’s process at load-time.

We highly recommend enabling this setting for release versions, ideally in combination with the browser reporting feature. In case of libraries being injected into the app's process, the application cannot be trusted anymore, meaning that code that reacts to callbacks can easily be patched out.

Code injection is usually happening on jailbroken devices that have the hooking framework MobileSubstrate installed, which injects libraries into all processes. Because of that, users of apps that are protected by App Shielding should be advised to uninstall MobileSubstrate.

Depends on: Check load-time library injection

Exit on load-time library injection URL

The URL of the web page with an explanation to launch when the application is shut down because an injected library has been detected.

Depends on: Exit on load-time library injection

Runtime Library Injection
Prevent runtime library injection

Prevents injection of libraries into the application during runtime.

Runtime library injection prevention mode [Deprecated]

Defines a policy for how the decision on blocking an injected library is made.

This option will be ignored on iOS/iPadOS 12 or newer, the "non-strict" method will always be used. Since iOS/iPadOS 11 (and earlier) is no longer supported by App Shielding, this option is deprecated and will be removed.

For more information, see Runtime library injection prevention mode.

Updatable configuration

Specify whether the app will use the Automatic Configuration feature.

For more information, see App Shielding configuration.

Since App Shielding v4.0, it is no longer possible to disable the checkRepackaging and exitOnRepackaging configuration options. If App Shielding detects that the application was repackaged, it will terminate unexpectedly and shut down the application during startup. Ensure that you always specify the correct signer certificate, configured with the applicationSignerCertificate option. For more information, see Application signer certificate.

Also, as of App Shielding version 4.0, anti-debugging has been improved to ensure that the blockDebugger, checkDebugger, and exitOnDebugger options cannot be disabled.

Application signer certificate

Defines the signer certificate(s) that App Shielding trusts when checking for repackaging. That is, App Shielding assumes the app has been repackaged if the certificate used to sign the app does not match any of the given certificates here. The exception is that App Shielding implicitly trusts the certificates that Apple uses to re-sign an app when it is deployed through TestFlight or the App Store. This implicit trust can be disabled using the disableAppStoreTrust and disableTestFlightTrust options.

To configure App Shielding to trust multiple certificates of your own (e.g., development and distribution certificates), add a separate applicationSignerCertificate option for each certificate.

To export the certificate from the keychain

  1. Launch Keychain Access.
  2. Right click on the certificate to use.
  3. Select Export….
  4. Select the Certificate file format (.cer)

Runtime library injection prevention mode

Determines how an injected library is blocked.

This option is ignored on iOS/iPadOS 12 or newer, and the "non-strict" method will always be used. Since iOS/iPadOS (and earlier) is no longer supported by App Shielding, this option is deprecated and will be removed.

Possible values:

  • strict. Performs a strict check of libraries. This might block certain system libraries that are also loaded as extensions.

  • non-strict. Performs a non-strict check of libraries. This will not block system libraries that are loaded as extensions, but reduces security.

  • policy. Performs a strict check on jailbroken devices and a non-strict check on devices that are not jailbroken.

For strict checks, App Shielding considers the library as non-malicious if one of the following conditions apply:

  • The library is signed by Apple, or the configured signer of the app. This is the normal case for libraries shipped with the app.
  • The library comes from the shared library cache, and is not found in the file system if the dynamic loader dyld overrides the library cache. This is the normal case for system libraries.

For non-strict checks, the following condition is added:

  • The library is ad-hoc signed in exactly the same way Apple ad-hoc signs some of its libraries. This is the case for system libraries that are not in the shared library cache.

This option is deprecated and will be removed in the future.