Provides a walkthrough to deploy a standard setup of OneSpan Authentication Server and test its key features.

Test Environment Setup

Outlines the basic test environment setup required.
Describes how to install RADIUS Client Simulator.
Describes how to install OneSpan Authentication Server.
Describes how to configure OneSpan Authentication Server.
Describes how to configure RADIUS Client Simulator.
Describes how to configure live auditing.

Test Scenarios

Outlines the prerequisites and basic procedures that are common for all test scenarios.
This scenario covers authentication handled by OneSpan Authentication Server without back-end authentication.
This scenario covers authentication handled by OneSpan Authentication Server using Microsoft Windows for back-end authentication.
This scenario covers authentication handled by OneSpan Authentication Server using a RADIUS server for back-end authentication.
These scenarios cover basic management features in OneSpan Authentication Server.

Demo Authenticators

Explains how to activate and use the demo Digipass 300.
Explains how to activate and use the demo Digipass GO 3 and Digipass GO 6.
Explains how to activate and use the demo Digipass 760.

Live System Setup

Provides a checklist to plan your OneSpan Authentication Server live system setup.