

We have a need to pass dynamic values that would reside within a Text block, essentially passing a reference name and account number. These values would change for each transaction, and would ideally be embedded in the longer text area as such " [Reference Name] has added you as a User on Account [Account ID]".


Hello Team,

I'm working on the use case below and was wondering if you could help ! 

Use Case: We have an existing template with some documents and fields on it and we want to retrieve those fields to bind some values on them. 

My question : Are we able to call the API in order to retrieve fields that are on a template (and not a package) ? 



I need to get multiple signers to fill and sign a document to allow automatic debits/deposit transctions.

Most of the time I have 2 signers and I would like both of them to be able to fill up the textboxes but I need each one of them to sign. For the static data that I already have, I use labels linked with the Owner and auto-sign it.

Currently I am only able to assign the textbox to 1 signer and most of the time I am not able to know which signer will have access to the Informations needed to fill it.


Hey guys, 

I'm trying to put together the following flow:

  1. Create a Package through Postman using the following payload.
  2. Add a document through a azure function (Its working).
  3. Update Package from Draft to Sent by making a Put request with only { "status": "SENT" }.

The last step always returns 


    "messageKey": "error.validation.sendPackage.noApprovals",

Hi OneSpan,

We are going to implement app shielding for RASP. According to the app shielding document, there are several APIs for automated shielding: We have few questions for that:

1) Where can we find the full API document?

2) How to use these APIs for automated shielding? Any example for call shielding process/ shielding status/ shielded binary? What parameters for these call?

Thank you so much.



I am trying to interface with OneSpan Sign using the REST API. I am using the LotusScript language on a HCL Notes / Domino platform.

When I send a package with no document, including only the json, it works fine. When I try to add a document using a MIME message, I always get the 406 Not Acceptable error message. I did some research in the forums but couldn't find any helpful help for this error.

HTTP request: