We have embedded the designerView in our portal, but currently we have no way to return the customer back to the initiating screen, leading to a poor customer experience. It would be great to be able to setup a handoverURL when generating the DesignerView In alternative, implement also in the designerView the ability to generate events that we can capture from the parent page https://www.esignlive.com/blog/esignlive-event-notifier/?_ga=2.250516741.209013835.1512625729-1322670802.1512625729
For the Signing Ceremony we currently can set the HandoverUrl only when the Package is created. It would make more sense and allow more flexibility to be able to set/override the HandoverUrl when the Signing Ceremony link is generated (e.g. BuildRedirectToSigningForSigner). This would allow for example: - different redirects for the Package creator and the other signers. - different redirects in different contexts (e.g. Mobile VS Web)