dilgen | Posts: 14

Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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Hello, Our company operates in two separate states and will need to switch out our disclosure agreement depending on which state the application is in. What is the best way to go about this? We played around with Templates, but the number of signers can change from package to package, so that did not seem to work for us. Is there a way to have both stored on our account and have us call to a specific consent, or can we only have one consent document stored on the account? If not, I assume we will have to upload our consent document every time we create a package. If we have to go that route, will the consent document we upload using the API override the default consent document? (This would allow us to have one state's document as the default and only upload for the other state) Thank you, David

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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Hi David, What you can do is send the consent that you think you'll be using most often to our support team so they can replace the default-consent with yours (you can only have one default consent per language stored in your account). Then, whenever you want to use your second consent document, you can delete the current consent and upload your new one. Here's a quick on how to create a consent document: https://developer.esignlive.com/guides/feature-guides/create-consent-document/ Hope this helps.

dilgen | Posts: 14

Reply to: Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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Haris, Would I need to create a second "buildDocument" for just the consent? Or would I add the consent document to the same "buildDocument" as our application? Thank you, David

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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I'm not sure I follow. In any case, what I'm trying to say is that you will need to upload a new document to the package and add acceptance signatures for this document for every signer in your package. In other words: 1. create package with signers 2. delete default consent 3. upload new consent document with acceptance signatures for every signer

nhill40 | Posts: 40

Reply to: Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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Just a quick follow up question to this old thread - We are thinking when we go live we'll want to use our own (custom) default consent. It sounds as though this is a relatively painless process, as we just need to provide a PDF of what we would like to use for the consent document to the support team - but so I can make sure to give our legal team a realistic timeline, what is the turnaround time on this? i.e. What is the rough timeline between us providing a PDF and that PDF beginning to be used as our default-consent on esign packages?

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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Hi nhill40, Switching the default consent will be done the same day.

nhill40 | Posts: 40

Reply to: Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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Hi - we have the document we'd like to use for our account's default consent all prepared now. In Haris's earlier post, he says we need to send this to eSL's support team - I assume this is done via email, but can someone tell me specifically how to go about doing this? Thanks! Nick

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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Hi Nick, Simply send an email to support@esignlive.com with your consent document attached and your account email address. Support will take care of the rest.

nhill40 | Posts: 40

Reply to: Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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Cool, thanks! One quick follow up question - are default-consents set at the account level or at the sender level?

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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They are on an account level.

nhill40 | Posts: 40

Reply to: Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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OK, thank you!

nhill40 | Posts: 40

Reply to: Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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I'm probably about to set the new record for consent-related questions, but here goes anyways... A while back, we opened a ticket to have a custom disclosure set on our production account. This works fine, but our QA group is wondering if you guys ever change disclosures on sandbox accounts? We use a couple different sandbox accounts as our "test" and "acceptance" environments and our QA people are wondering if we can make these accounts behave like prod from a disclosure standpoint. Thanks! Nick

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Change Between Two Different Consent Documents

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Hi Nick, You should be directing this question to our support team as I don't know what changes they performed on your account. Of course, you will have to specify to support which account you want to update the default-consent.

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