abhijit_davray | Posts: 22

DOCUMENT_SIGNED callback - Who has signed the document.

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Hi, On the DOCUMENT_SIGNED callback is it possible to know who has signed the document directly or in some other way indirectly? I need the email of the person who has signed the document for our application workflow. What can I do with the sessionUser attribute. Example Payload: {"@class":"com.silanis.esl.packages.event.ESLProcessEvent","name":"DOCUMENT_SIGNED","sessionUser":"4f04-46a5","packageId":"OrqxnWET0Qh","message":null,"documentId":"DOCUMENT_Contract"} Thanks, Abhijit

Approved Answer
mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: DOCUMENT_SIGNED callback - Who has signed the document.

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I was saying that I believe the sessionUser lines up with either a signer or role ID from the package metadata. Based on this being posted in the REST API forum, I'm assuming you're using REST. Could you pull the package JSON for one of the package IDs you get this for and check the "sessionUser" against the signer and role IDs? This sessionUser should match one of those. Let me know.

- Michael

Director, Partner and Developer Technologies, OneSpan

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mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: DOCUMENT_SIGNED callback - Who has signed the document.

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Hey Abhijit, I believe this lines up with the signerId. With this, you should be able to grab the package JSON and identify the signer using this ID. From there, you will be able to grab their email address. Let me know if you have questions on how to do this and I can help further. :)

- Michael

Director, Partner and Developer Technologies, OneSpan

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abhijit_davray | Posts: 22

Reply to: DOCUMENT_SIGNED callback - Who has signed the document.

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I am having difficulty understanding this. Can you please elaborate this a little. The DOCUMENT_SIGNED callback does not contain the signerId. It gives me sessionUser and packageId. How do I go from there?

abhijit_davray | Posts: 22

Reply to: DOCUMENT_SIGNED callback - Who has signed the document.

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Thanks. I will check this and let you know.

abhijit_davray | Posts: 22

Reply to: DOCUMENT_SIGNED callback - Who has signed the document.

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Yes this worked. Thanks.

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: DOCUMENT_SIGNED callback - Who has signed the document.

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Great news! Let us know whenever you have questions. :)

- Michael

Director, Partner and Developer Technologies, OneSpan

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