amine_desjardins | Posts: 11

Problem with SSO for signer's authentication

0 votes

SSO PROBLEM, I explain the problem to you :

in the code, the method that causes the error is (createPackageOneStep) in line : packageId = eslClient.createPackageOneStep(documentPackage); knowing that (documentPackage) contains all the information related to the demand, including the signatories.


What is causing this error?

It’s the type of authentication of the signatory:


  1. If documentPackage contains a signatory who authenticates by SMS (or even questionnaire) :


"signers":[{"delivery":{"email":false},"id":"Externe1","auth":{"challenges":[{"question":"+15554443333"}],"scheme":"SMS"},"email":"[email protected]","firstName":"Myname","knowledgeBasedAuthentication":null,"title":"","company":"","lastName":"Mylast"}]


In this case our demand passes without problems


  1. If documentPackage contains a signatory who authenticates in SSO :


"signers":[{"delivery":{"email":false},"id":"Externe1","auth":{"scheme":"SSO"},"email":"[email protected]","firstName":"Myname","knowledgeBasedAuthentication":null,"title":"","company":"","lastName":"Mylast"}]


In this case there is an error that is generated in the DEV environment : Could not create a new package in one-step Exception: HTTP POST on URI resulted in response with status code: [404, Not Found]. Optional details: {"technical":"Could not retrieve the transaction summary for transaction uid:","messageKey":"error.validation.packageDoesNotExist","message":"The specified package does not exist.","code":404,"name":"Resource Not Found"}


Note: Locally with unit tests, the line “eslClient.createPackageOneStep (documentPackage);" Does not generate any error when setting the SSO authentication type.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Problem with SSO for signer's authentication

1 votes

Hi Amine,


In a nutshell, I can reproduce the same error in SaaS environment:

Working Scenarios:

From UI, I can add a signer and toggle signer authentication as SSO without problem.

From SDK or API, if I follow the separate steps: create a package, add signer with SSO authentication, then upload documents and do the designs, it works.

Error Scenario:
From SDK or API, the same JSON payload that works above hits the same error as you provided.


So I believe it's an API level issue (versus SDK issue) that caused this 404 error. If you preferred, I can create a support ticket on your behalf and explained all our findings.


Also, I have few questions:

(1)The dev environment which gives you error "", is it a reverse proxy? Which environment it points to? SaaS or your on-premise environment?

(2)you mentioned it worked with locally unit test, which environment the unit test points to, and which version if it was on-premise deployment?



amine_desjardins | Posts: 11

Reply to:

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Thank you for your reply Duo_Liang

Unit testing is locally, and the error generated in the DEV environment.

I believe the error generated is because of the version of the SDK.

Does SSO work with version SDK11.18? If not, which version does it start working with?

Thank you

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Problem with SSO for signer's authentication

0 votes

Hi Amine,


I tested with the latest SDK (11.33) and the latest SaaS environment (11.33) but still experienced the same error. So I am afraid it's still an existing issue. I would like to create a support ticket on your behalf so that we can escalate to R&D team if my assumption is true. 



amine_desjardins | Posts: 11

Reply to: Problem with SSO for signer's authentication

0 votes

Thank you Duo_Liang.

Yes I would like a ticket to be open to resolve this problem. There is a malfunction somewhere in the API.

Thank you

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