Get Evidence Summary
Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 01:57amHello,
I would like to get the Evidence Summary of a completed transaction in Java.
I have checked this but it was not very clear to me.
Could you please provide me an example of the correct syntax in Java, in order to get the Evidence Summary?
Thank you in advance,
Reply to: Get Evidence Summary
Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 06:46amHi Michail,
Kindly consultant the "Checking Transaction Status & Downloading Documents" quick start guide or simply use below code:
byte[] evidenceSummary = eslClient.downloadEvidenceSummary(packageId);
Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer
Reply to: Hi Michail, Kindly…
Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 07:46amHello Duo,
Thanks for your answer. I have tried this.
What I did is:
At the time I received the COMPLETE status of the transaction, I executed below piece of code to download the Evidence Summary.
byte[] byteArray = eslClient.getPackageService().downloadEvidenceSummary(documentPackage.getId());
File dir = new File (tempFolder);
if (!dir.exists()) {
String zipFilePath = tempFolder + File.separator + prospect.getProspectId() + ".zip";
Files.saveTo(byteArray, zipFilePath);
List<String> documentNames = unzipFile(zipFilePath, tempFolder);
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(documentNames)) {
for (String documentName : documentNames) {
saveAndTransferDocumnetToServer(prospectESignTransaction, prospect, documentName + "_Evidence", tempFolder, null); //my method do save in the database and transfer to another server
Unfortunately, the method "saveAndTransferDocumnetToServer" was not executed, probably because the Collection was empty.
Could it be that I tried to download the Evidence Summary too fast, after the COMPLETE status of the transaction was received? Do I need to wait some time?
What do you think?
Thanks and Regards,
Reply to: Get Evidence Summary
Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 12:42pmHi Michail,
You can download Evidence Summary at any time, even if the package hasn't been in COMPLETED status.
One thing I noticed that you were trying to unzip the downloaded byte array, while the response body is already in PDF.
There's another function "byte[] documentZip = eslClient.downloadZippedDocuments(packageId);" which downloads the zipped and signed documents, and works in tendam with the .downloadEvidenceSummary() function.
Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer
Reply to: Get Evidence Summary
Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at 02:02amHello Duo,
Thanks for your answer. I succeeded to download the Evidence summary.
Best Regards,
Reply to: Get Evidence Summary
Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 02:37amHello Duo,
I would like to ask you one more thing.
As far as we know, the format pf the package id has changed in OneSpan since November 2018 (the new format of package id is ending with the equal sign "=").
If we try to retrieve an evidence file before November 2018 (with old format of package id), will it be possible? Or our request will be rejected?
Thanks and Regards,
Reply to: Get Evidence Summary
Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 09:34amHello Michail,
As you may have experienced, the V10 transactions (which package ID is in format of UUID) has been moved to an offline DB and be hidden from API access. So it's expected the download API will reject and return an error. You can submit a support ticket ([email protected]) and the requests to download packages from V10 database will be handled on a case by case basis.
Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer
Reply to: Get Evidence Summary
Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 07:28amDuo_Liang
How do we ignore evidence summary from receiving it when status is moved completed?
Reply to: Duo_Liang Hi How do we…
Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 10:34amHi Naresh,
The evidence summary won't be automatically downloaded upon package completed, so are you working on an existing integration that downloads both the evidence summary and signed documents? Or can you elaborate the question a little bit?
Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer
Reply to: Hi Naresh, The evidence…
Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 01:30pmwe are sending a request to OSS (type: package and REST API). when the signing request is complete and download the documents from OSS, we see additional pdf "
Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent' along with the document (in pdf format) that we have passed to OSS when request initiated
Reply to: we are sending a request to…
Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 01:36pmI see, this "Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent" is the default consent form your signer has signed. If you don't need the default consent at all, you can submit a request to support team ([email protected]) and turned it off at your account level.
From downloading's perspective, OneSpan Sign doesn't really provide an API to exclude the default consent, so you may have to programmatically unzip the signed documents, remove it from memory, then compress the folder. However, if the default consent is not a part of your business process, to remove it is an easier solution.
Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer
Reply to: Get Evidence Summary
Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 06:01amHello Duo,
I want to know how to get document Id for Evidence Summary doc just like we get it for signed docs ?
Reply to: Get Evidence Summary
Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 08:25amHi Rakesh_Saini,
Evidence summary actually doesn't have a document ID and instead, you'd use this API to download it:
GET /api/packages/{packageId}/evidence/summary
Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer