Apex SDK - Ability to configure ceremony settings
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 01:02pmI am trying to use ceremony settings in salesforce to customize various options, but they do not seem to render.
Please help me understand what i am missing. I could not find appropriate documentation for each node.
You will see event if i am setting session bar as true, it still does not show up
Also, setting up background color and color has no effect.
Logo is too big.
Here below is settings I am using:
OneSpanAPIObjects.Settings settings= new OneSpanAPIObjects.Settings();
settings.ceremony = new OneSpanAPIObjects.CeremonySettings();
//return url set and button label
settings.ceremony.handOver = new OneSpanAPIObjects.Link();
settings.ceremony.handover.href = handover_url;
settings.ceremony.handOver.text = 'Go back to application';
settings.ceremony.handOver.title = 'Go back to application';
//set the branding logo
settings.ceremony.layout = new OneSpanAPIObjects.LayoutOptions();
settings.ceremony.layout.brandingBar = new OneSpanAPIObjects.BrandingBarOptions();
settings.ceremony.layout.brandingBar.logo = new OneSpanAPIObjects.Image();
settings.ceremony.layout.brandingBar.logo.link = 'https://storm--akshaycf2--c.documentforce.com/sfc/dist/version/renditionDownload?oid=00D1f0000009MlZ&versionId=0681f000000Fytp&d=%2Fa%2F1f0000000Zkh%2F0Nlv0IaiOuKRO7mlTWTNfMWFVx1dpwWDwMTiZWQfedw&asPdf=false&rendition=ORIGINAL_png';
settings.ceremony.layout.brandingBar.logo.src = 'https://storm--akshaycf2--c.documentforce.com/sfc/dist/version/renditionDownload?oid=00D1f0000009MlZ&versionId=0681f000000Fytp&d=%2Fa%2F1f0000000Zkh%2F0Nlv0IaiOuKRO7mlTWTNfMWFVx1dpwWDwMTiZWQfedw&asPdf=false&rendition=ORIGINAL_png';
settings.ceremony.layout.navigator = true;
settings.ceremony.layout.iframe = false;
settings.ceremony.layout.header = new OneSpanAPIObjects.HeaderOptions();
settings.ceremony.layout.header.sessionBar = true;
settings.ceremony.layout.header.breadcrumbs = false;
settings.ceremony.layout.header.feedback = false;
settings.ceremony.layout.header.globalNavigation = true;
settings.ceremony.layout.header.globalActions = new OneSpanAPIObjects.GlobalActionsOptions();
settings.ceremony.layout.header.globalActions.confirm = true;
settings.ceremony.layout.header.globalActions.download = true;
settings.ceremony.layout.header.globalActions.saveAsLayout = true;
settings.ceremony.layout.header.titleBar = new OneSpanAPIObjects.TitleBarOptions();
settings.ceremony.layout.header.titleBar.progressbar = true;
settings.ceremony.layout.header.titleBar.title = true;
settings.ceremony.declineButton = true;
settings.ceremony.DocumentToolbarOptions = new OneSpanAPIObjects.DocumentToolbarOptions();
settings.ceremony.DocumentToolbarOptions.downloadButton = true;
settings.ceremony.hideCaptureText = false;
settings.ceremony.hideWatermark = false;
settings.ceremony.inPerson = false;
settings.ceremony.maxAuthFailsAllowed = 3;
settings.ceremony.optOutButton = true;
// settings.ceremony.optOutReasons = new List<string>{'Reason 1','Reason 2', 'Reason 3'};
settings.ceremony.optOutReasons = new List<string>();
settings.ceremony.style = new OneSpanAPIObjects.LayoutStyle();
settings.ceremony.style.dialog = new OneSpanAPIObjects.Style();
settings.ceremony.style.dialog.backgroundColor = 'grey';
settings.ceremony.style.dialog.color = 'blue';
settings.ceremony.style.titleBar = new OneSpanAPIObjects.Style();
settings.ceremony.style.titleBar.backgroundColor = 'grey';
settings.ceremony.style.titleBar.color = 'blue';
settings.ceremony.style.toolBar = new OneSpanAPIObjects.Style();
settings.ceremony.style.toolBar.backgroundColor = 'grey';
settings.ceremony.style.toolBar.color = 'blue';
Reply to: Apex SDK - Ability to configure ceremony settings
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 01:14pmHi amunjal,
Thanks for your post! Not sure if you've been aware that the classic Signing Ceremony will be deprecated in 11.42 (refer to the trust center for release date) and all users have to migrate to New Signer Experience, which offers more intuitive, responsive and professional web design. If you prefer to work on New Signer Experience customization, check out my blog series:
Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer
Reply to: Hi amunjal, Thanks for…
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 01:17pmReply to: When is the release date for…
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 01:27pmYou'll find the release date for your specific environment in trust center.
Ideally it doesn't require code changes besides the signing ceremony settings, some of the most noticeable changes:
-Opt-out is also deprecated in New Signer Experience, therefore DON'T turn on the opt-out button
-New Signer Experience doesn't have UI components like session bar, hence these package settings won't take effect
-You can no longer specify logo at package level, upload logo per language through the account admin's sender portal instead.
The only effect that requires functional change is the in-person signing link formula:
Now you have to generate a sender authentication token and build this URL.
Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer
Reply to: Apex SDK - Ability to configure ceremony settings
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 01:34pmhow about the handover url, that will not change right?
Also, method to get signing url for each signer will remain not affected.
Reply to: how about the handover url,…
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 01:38pmIn terms of handover URL, if your integration makes use of the appended parameters, please be aware of below changes:
In the Classic Experience, the “status” parameter had three potential values “COMPLETED”, “PACKAGE_OPT_OUT” and “PACKAGE_DECLINE”. These have been changed to “SIGNER_COMPLETE” and “PACKAGE_DECLINE” in New Signer Experience.
(1)As you noticed, “COMPLETED” has been renamed to “SIGNER_COMPLETE”. If your integration makes use of the “status” parameter, you’d update your integration to replace the parameter value or to accept both statuses to avoid conflicts. Below pseudo code shows you the idea:
Existing Code: status.equals(“COMPLETED”)
New Code: status.equals(“COMPLETED”) OR status.equals(“SIGNER_COMPLETE”)
(2)Because the opt out feature is not supported in New Signer Experience, the value “PACKAGE_OPT_OUT” will no longer be available.
For more information, check my blog: https://www.onespan.com/blog/onespan-sign-release-1141-auto-redirect-handover-url
For signing URL for each signer, the function doesn't get effected.
Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer
Reply to: Apex SDK - Ability to configure ceremony settings
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 01:40pmThanks Dua, Appreciate the quick response.
Do we need to update our installed package in salesforce?
Reply to: Thanks Dua, Appreciate the…
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 01:48pmFor now, there's no recent Git release in this repository:
Hence I won't think you need to update the installed package.
Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer