peterzog | Posts: 109

Locked PDF?

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Our imaging team is complaining about the OneSpan documents that they are receiving:

"Is there any way to disable the secure feature of Saleforce’s e-Signed documents? 
We have been experiencing an uptick in issues with PDFs being rejected.  Our investigation found that end users are using OneSpan e-sign capabilities via Salesforce to get the documents signed.  When the documents are attached they come in as secured documents which cannot be uploaded because they fail our validation check."

Have you seen similar issues before? What options do we have with the Apex SDK? I see posts elsewhere about downloading the flattened version of the PDF.  Does the SDK support that?  

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Locked PDF?

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Hi Peter,


If you want to download the flattened document, you can refer to the .downloadOriginalDocument() function in this sample code:

And simply use the below URL instead:

String resourceUrl = '/packages/' + packageId + '/documents/' + documentId + '/pdf?flatten=true';




Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

peterzog | Posts: 109

Reply to: Locked PDF?

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Thank you! For the locked version, is there a method to unlock the document?  Do you need a third party tool to brute force unlock it? I am seeing some references to  iTextSharp.  Is that still a valid approach?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Locked PDF?

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Hi Peter,



This is the security tab of an E-signed document by OSS. The PDF has been securely signed and digitally sealed with a tamper-evident seal. If you meant to unsecure the document, this will break the seal. Typically, you can use a third part tool to brute force unlock the PDF or directly download the flattened version.



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

peterzog | Posts: 109

Reply to: Locked PDF?

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Excellent.  Thank you, Duo.  Clearly I have catching up to do in this area.

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