Last modified: 2024-10-02

Supported Fonts

OneSpan Sign supports a standard set of fonts that can be used when documents are created or uploaded for use in a transaction.

Using a font that is not supported by OneSpan Sign could result in unintended consequences, including document text becoming unreadable. Some unsupported fonts may display properly. However, OneSpan cannot guarantee that an unsupported font will display properly unless it's embedded in the rendered document.

OneSpan thus recommends:

  • Using the fonts supported by OneSpan Sign.

  • Embedding any unsupported fonts in your PDF when you create it.

The rest of this page discusses the following topics:

List of Supported Fonts

The following table lists only the fonts that OneSpan Sign supports. It does not list any other fonts (e.g., those installed with your Operating System, or fonts installed later — such as Microsoft Office’s core fonts).

One way to embed fonts is to use a PDF/A document. For more information, see Using PDF/A Documents.

FONT NAME (displayed in the User Interface) COMMENTS
Courier Part of PDF base14 fonts
Courier Bold Part of PDF base14 fonts
Courier Bold Oblique

Part of PDF base14 fonts

Note: ‘oblique’ not ‘italic’

Courier Oblique Note: ‘oblique’ not ‘italic’

Part of PDF base14 fonts.

Note: Similar to Arial.

Helvetica Bold Part of PDF base14 fonts
Helvetica Oblique

Part of PDF base14 fonts

Note: ‘oblique’ not ‘italic’.

Helvetica Bold Oblique

Part of PDF base14 fonts

Note: ‘oblique’ not ‘italic’.

Times New Roman Part of PDF base14 fonts
Times New Roman Bold Part of PDF base14 fonts
Times New Roman Italic Part of PDF base14 fonts
Times New Roman Bold Italic Part of PDF base14 fonts

Using PDF/A Documents

A PDF/A document embeds the fonts that the document uses into the PDF file itself. This ensures that the document's readers don't need to install the document's fonts on their local machine.

The steps you need may differ slightly from those below, depending on your version of Microsoft Word, and on whether you are using Adobe Acrobat Pro.

To create a PDF/A document from a Word document:

  1. Open the Word document.

  2. Click Save As, and select PDF.

  3. Click Options.

  4. Select the PDF/A compliant check box.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Enter a name for your PDF, and click Save.

Embedding Fonts for Document Conversion

The OneSpan Sign Document Converter converts incoming non-PDF documents to PDF documents. During the conversion process:

  • If a font exists in the system, the converter applies the corresponding font to the converted PDF.

  • If a font doesn't exist in the system, the converter replaces it with the closest possible match, using the List of Font Substitutions below.

Starting with Release 22.R4 (11.49), OneSpan is migrating the Document Converter from Windows Virtual Machines to Linux containers. Because Windows and Linux have different font sets, this migration could impact the appearance of the PDFs created by OneSpan Sign. OneSpan therefore strongly recommends that during the migration period, you embed all fonts that are in *.doc and *.docx documents. For more about embedding / substituting fonts, see this article. Note: Fonts cannot be embedded in *.rtf, *.txt, or *.odt documents.

List of Font Substitutions

The following table lists the font substitutions made by the Document Converter when unsupported fonts are found in non-PDF documents.

Original Font Substituted Font
Arabic Transparent KacstArt
Arial Liberation Sans, FreeSans, Garuda, DejaVu Sans
Arial Baltic Liberation Sans, FreeSans, Garuda, DejaVu Sans
Arial CE Liberation Sans, FreeSans, Garuda, DejaVu Sans
Arial Cyr Liberation Sans, FreeSans, Garuda, DejaVu Sans
Arial Greek Liberation Sans, FreeSans, Garuda, DejaVu Sans
Arial TUR Liberation Sans, FreeSans, Garuda, DejaVu Sans
Arial Unicode MS Google Noto
Batang Google Noto
BatangChe Google Noto
Calibri Carlito
Cambria Caladea
Cambria Math Google Noto
Charcoal FreeSerif
Comic Sans MS DejaVu Sans
Courier FreeMono, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono
Courier New FreeMono, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono
Courier New Baltic FreeMono, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono
Courier New CE FreeMono, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono
Courier New Cyr FreeMono, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono
Courier New Greek FreeMono, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono
Courier New TUR FreeMono, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono
DengXian Google Noto
Dotum Google Noto
DotumChe Google Noto
Georgia Norasi, Liberation Serif, FreeSerif, DejaVu Serif
Gulim Google Noto
GulimChe Google Noto
Gungush Google Noto
GungushChe Google Noto
Helvetica FreeSans
Impact Rekha, DejaVu Sans
Lucida Console FreeMono, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono
Lucida Grande FreeMono, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans
Lucida Sans Unicode FreeMono, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans
Malgun Gothic Google Noto
Microsoft JhengHei Google Noto
Microsoft Sans Serif DejaVu Sans
Microsoft YaHei Google Noto
MingLiU Google Noto
MingLiU-ExtB Google Noto
MingLiU_HKSCS Google Noto
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB Google Noto
MS Gothic Google Noto
MS Mincho Google Noto
MS PGothic Google Noto
MS UI Gothic Google Noto
MS 明朝 Google Noto
MS ゴシック Google Noto
New York DejaVu Serif
NSimSun Google Noto
Palatino Linotype FreeSerif
PMingLiU Google Noto
PMingLiU-ExtB Google Noto
SimSun Google Noto
SimSun-ExtB Google Noto
Symbol Google Noto
Tahoma DejaVu Sans, Kalimati
Tahoma Armenian DejaVu Sans
Times New Roman FreeSerif, Liberation Serif, DejaVu Serif
Trebuchet MS Liberation Sans, FreeSans, Garuda, DejaVu Sans
Times FreeSerif, Liberation Serif, DejaVu Serif
Times New Roman Baltic FreeSerif, Liberation Serif, DejaVu Serif
Times New Roman CE FreeSerif, Liberation Serif, DejaVu Serif
Times New Roman Cyr FreeSerif, Liberation Serif, DejaVu Serif
Times New Roman Greek FreeSerif, Liberation Serif, DejaVu Serif
Times New Roman TUR FreeSerif, Liberation Serif, DejaVu Serif
Verdana DejaVu Sans Mono
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