Last modified: 2024-07-25

Downloading Documents and Evidence Summaries

To learn how to create a transaction, see Creating a Transaction.

Once a transaction's documents have been signed, both the signers and the Sender can download them .

The Sender may also download the Evidence SummaryClosed Information stored in a signed document about the signatures that have been applied to it. Among other elements, this information includes the signer's name or organization, the signature's date and time, the digital certificate to be used for document validation, and the certificate chain to be used for certificate validation..

You may want to download these documents if you need hard copies of them, or if you simply want to store them locally.

Note that downloading signed documents and Evidence Summaries:

  • Can be done only by the Transaction Owner

  • Must be actions that are enabled on the Transaction Owner's account

  • Can be done on only one transaction at a time

To download a transaction's signed documents and/or Evidence Summary:

  1. Navigate to the Transactions page.

  2. Select the relevant transaction.

  3. On the upper-right part of the page, click Download.

  4. On the dialog box that appears, choose one of the following options:

    • All — Downloads all documents and the Evidence Summary as a zip file.

    • Summary — Downloads the Evidence Summary as a PDF.

    • Documents — Downloads all documents as a zip file.

Downloading signed documents requires their transaction to be in the state Completed. You can’t download documents whose transaction is in the state Expired, even if all signers have finished signing. If you find yourself in this situation, you can enable downloading by: (1) editing the transaction, and changing its Expiry Date to a future date; (2) resending the transaction’s invitation email. The system will then change the transaction’s status to Completed.

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