The Designer section of the Prepare page allows you to view each document, to add signature field and other fields to it, and to assign visibility permissions to the documents.

You can not add fields to the Disclosures and Consent form automatically added to a transaction. When you view this document in designer mode, you will see the "Accept Only" box is checked and no further fields are available. The recipients will have to check Accept to view the rest of the transaction documents.

This section describes:

Preparing a Document

If a transaction is screen-reader accessible, the Prepare Transaction page will be read-only. That is, no one can: (1) add, modify or remove signatures or fields; (2) specify the documents as Accept Only; (3) apply layouts to the documents.

To prepare a document for signing:

  1. Make the document "active" by doing any of the following:
    • Click the <Document Name> in the DOCUMENTS section.
    • Scroll through its pages.
    • Click anywhere in the document in the Designer section.
  2. If you want to perform any of the following preliminary actions, display their icons by hovering your mouse over the document in the Designer section. A menu bar with these buttons will appear at the top of the document:
    • Zoom in or Zoom out of the document.
    • Page Number: Click the page number to go to the previous or next page, or to a specific page number.
    • Clear All: Removes all fields from the active document, if fields have been added.
  3. To add a field to the document (e.g., a signature field), drag and drop it onto the document from the FIELDS section.
  4. To align multiple fields to keep them neat and consistent, press the keyboard SHIFT button and left-click to select multiple fields. Use the menu at the top of the document to align the fields to the top, bottom, left, or right.

Field Properties

  • Fields can be dropped onto multiple pages of the active document, but cannot be dropped onto a different document.
  • Dropped fields can be re-sized by dragging the handles on the corners of the field.
  • Clicking a field will open the Field Settings pane, which displays the field's modifiable properties.

For more information on the types of fields that can be added to a document, see Adding fields to a document.

Configuring Document Visibility

By default, during a Signer Experience all recipients can view all documents in a transaction.

The Document Visibility feature provides greater flexibility by enabling senders to control which recipients can view specific documents in a transaction during a Signer Experience.

This can save recipients from having to process documents they don’t need to see, and it can ensure that documents with sensitive information are viewed only by their intended recipients.

Rules for Hidden Documents

  • If a recipient has a signature on a document, that document cannot be hidden from the recipient.
  • If there is a signature on a document for a recipient, the Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent page cannot be hidden.
  • Documents cannot be hidden for group recipients or for notary recipients.

By default, adding a recipient to a transaction will give that recipient visibility to all documents. As a best practice, we recommend that you set document visibility after all documents and recipients have been added to the transaction. If you need to add a recipient after you have set document visibility, be sure to verify the document visibility of the recipient you have just added.

To specify the documents that recipients can view:

  1. From the menu of the Transaction page, click the Document Visibility icon (). The Document Visibility page displays a drop-down list of Documents and a checklist of recipients who are part of the transaction. .
  2. For each document, select the recipients that should have visibility.
  3. Click Save.

Users who are required to sign a document can not have document visibility removed.

Video Tutorial

Starting with the 11.42 release of OneSpan Sign, the Classic User Experience is no longer supported for SaaS customers. This section is thus only intended for on-premises customers who have not yet migrated to our Container deployment.


You can prepare documents for signing, and can preview them in the Designer. When you are ready to prepare a package's documents, OneSpan Sign opens the documents, and displays the first one in the Preview Page. If the package contains more than one document, you can view additional documents using the navigation arrow in the Preview Page's toolbar.

This section describes the following topics related to the Designer:

If a package is accessible, the Designer page will be read-only. That is, no one can: (1) add, modify or remove signatures or fields; (2) specify the documents as Accept Only; (3) apply layouts to the documents.

Saving & Applying Layouts

When you create a layout for a document, you can save the layout for later use. This means that the placement of all the signatures fields, check boxes, radio buttons, etc. can be applied to another document in the future.

To save a layout for later use:

  1. After all signatures and fields are in place, from the Global Actions Toolbar, click Save Layout.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, provide a name for the layout.
  3. Click Save.

To apply a saved layout to a new document:

  1. From the Global Actions Toolbar, click Apply Layout.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select the layout you want to apply.
  3. Click Apply.

You can share a saved layout with other users on your account by clicking the Share Layout option box in the Save Layout dialog box.

Signature Box Types

OneSpan Sign provides four types of Signature Boxes:

  • Click-to-Sign: To sign this type of Signature Box, simply click the box. The signer's name is stamped on the box. Click-to-sign is the default Signature Box type.

  • Capture Signature: To sign this type of Signature Box, click the box and draw your signature using the mouse or other input device. You can also choose to sign on a mobile device such as a smart phone if the sender has Mobile Capture enabled on their account. The drawing of your signature is stamped on the box.

  • Mobile Capture: To sign this type of Signature Box, you will receive a link via email that redirects you to open the document on your mobile phone. You are then required to draw your signature, using a finger or a stylus. The drawing of your signature is stamped on the box.

  • Click-to-Initial: To sign this type of Signature Box, simply click the box. The signer's initials are stamped on the box.

The Mobile Capture type of Signature Box requires the Mobile Capture feature to be enabled on your account. This feature can be arranged by asking our Support Team to configure it.

Menus for Signature Boxes & Fields

Every Signature Box has a menu to help manage it after it has been added to a document. That menu can be viewed by hovering your mouse over the box, and then clicking Edit.

The Signature Box Menu contains four options:

  • Signer lets you change the signer associated with this Signature Box.
  • Type lets you change the type of this Signature Box.
  • Remove deletes the Signature Box from the document.
  • Add Field lets you add other types of information, such as a date field that automatically displays the date the signer signed the Signature Box.

Every Field Box includes a menu to help manage it after it has been added to a document. That menu can be viewed by hovering your mouse over the field, and then clicking Edit.

The Field Menu contains two options:

  • Type lets you change the field type.
  • Remove deletes the field from the document.

You can choose from the following types of fields:

  • Signing Date: When a signer signs the Signature Box, OneSpan Sign automatically completes this field with the current date.
  • Signer Name: When a signer signs the Signature Box, OneSpan Sign automatically completes this field with the signer's first and last names. Those names are provided when the signer is added to the package.
  • Signer Title: When a signer signs the Signature Box, OneSpan Sign automatically completes this field with the signer's title. This title is provided when the signer is added to the package. If the signer's title was not provided, the field remains blank, and is not visible on the document.
  • Signer Company: When a signer signs the Signature Box, OneSpan Sign automatically completes this field with the name of the signer's company. That name is provided when the signer is added to the package. If the signer's company was not provided, the field remains blank, and is not visible on the document.
  • Text Field: A text field is a box in which the signer can enter additional information at the time of signing (e.g., why the signer is applying for your services).
  • Checkbox: This is a box that the signer can click to display a checkmark (and click again to remove the checkmark). It is useful to indicate that a signer has completed an action. For example, a document may include text such as Have you applied for a mortgage with another financial institution?, with the accompanying text Yes or No. You can include one checkbox beside Yes, and another beside No.
  • Dropdown List: This is a simple drop-down list, which specifies predefined options from which the signer can choose one. After the signer makes their selection, only one value is displayed. This reduces the amount of screen space occupied by this UI element.
  • Radio Button: Radio buttons also provide the ability to select one of multiple options. Multiple buttons can be grouped together by associating each with a common group name. If the Required field is enabled, at least one button in the group must be selected. Identifying one button in the group as the default ensures that the corresponding option is pre-selected.
  • Text Area: A Text Area is similar to aText Field, in that it provides an area where free-form text can be entered by the signer. However, it provides automatic wraparound, and has a 4000-character limit.

Signature Boxes

Each signature area in a document is identified using a Signature Box. The following sections describe the various appearances of such boxes:

Appearance of Unsigned Boxes

Each Signature Box that the current signer must sign is identified by a yellow sticky note, and each such box displays text that indicates the action required of the signer.

  • Click-to-Sign
  • Click-to-Initial
  • Capture Signature
  • Mobile Signature

Click-to-Sign is the default Signature Box type, but the package owner can use any of the above types in a document.

Unsigned Signatures Indicator

If you are using a small screen or are viewing a large document, some of the document's unsigned Signature Boxes may lie outside your current viewing area. If so, an indicator like the following shows the number of such boxes that lie below your current viewing area:

A similar indicator with an up arrow shows the number of unsigned boxes that lie above your current viewing area.

Initial Appearance of Signed Boxes

Once a signer signs a Signature Box: (1) the colour of the box and its sticky note change from yellow to green; (2) the text in the box changes to indicate that the signature was accepted. These differences enable signers to quickly identify where their signatures are still required.

Final Appearance of Signed Boxes

Once a signer has signed all their Signature Boxes in a package's documents, OneSpan Sign displays a digitally signed version of their signature.

If you performed the procedure Customizing Your Signature by creating a handwritten signature on the Identity page, your final signature will appear slightly differently in Click-to-Sign and Capture Signature boxes. The following image illustrates that difference.