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Is it possible to pass in a string with the way the date field should be formatted. The date is showing as YYYY-MM-DD, however, I need the date in the format YYYYMMDD.
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Has anyone run into a Certificate chaining error when trying to make a call to createPackage? We are using IBM WebSphere BPM v8.5 and the eSignLive SDK 10.10.1, the certificate is installed in the Cell's defaultTrustStore, however,the…
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I'm seeing some odd behavior, on my local development environment, I can create a package and delete the "default-consent" page without issue. Once I've moved this to our integration environment, this same call fails. I'm trying this…
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Hi, I am trying the sample application. I replaced the API Key by mine, and change the Environnement URL
public class Esign { public static final String API_KEY = "RFAPI_SAMPLE_EXAMPLE_3kzbVrQUU1VMg=="; public…
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We are trying to add signers to the package that was already sent through the API and keep getting the following exception: com.silanis.esl.sdk.internal.EslServerException: Could not add signer. Exception: HTTP POST on URI https://sandbox…
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Hi, I am currently running into an issue with utilizing X/Y coordinates to position signature tags for documents in eSignLive. In our system, we have our document creation source generate annotations on the PDF near the signature…
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Hello, Once all the signing ceremony is completed, there is one email notification getting triggered from "e-SignLive " to all the signers by including package owner in "CC" of that email. Email notification…
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Hi, I want to create empty packages with DRAFT status and one custom attribute (i.e internalID).
DocumentPackage documentPackage = newPackageNamed("TEST_PACKAGE")
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In attempting to use signerAuthenticationTokens, I was looking at the following:[]=webpageurl#signerauthenticationtoken_example public…
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Trying to use Signer Authentication Tokens but this code always gets me “Unauthorized Access”. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Map signerSessionFields = new LinkedHashMap(); …
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Our developers have a question around the specific details around how the redirect from Silanis to the handover URL is handled. Could someone shed some light onto what mechanism is used? We are embedding the signing experience in an…
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Hi , I am able to successfully upload a single document while creating a package . What all changes do I need to make to the java code to allow upload of multiple documents? I need to simultaneously upload multiple pdf’s after inserting…
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Hello Michael, During the processing in an application a client noticed that below statement takes few seconds (5-10) to execute: PackageId packageId = eslClient.createPackage(documentPackage); Can you please let us know how much…
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Hi, We have tried to remove the default consent form using the following snippet
eslClient.getPackageService().deleteDocument(packageId, "default-consent");
However, when we have done that the electronic disclosure form still…
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Hi, I have noticed that there are a bunch of different error messages under the EslServerException. Where can I find a list of all these error messages with their corresponding error codes and error names. Example: com.silanis.esl.sdk…
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I am trying to accomplish the following. Please let me know which SDK classes to use: - Get a list of all documents/templates uploaded onto a group's library (From all senders in the group). Both document ids and names - how do I include…
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Hi, I need to create a application which would allow the user to pass the text anchor position in String format. I understand that TextAnchorPOsition is of type enum. How can I set the value of '.atPosition(TextAnchorPosition.BOTTOMRIGHT)'…
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Hi, We found that there are two ways to get signing ceremony URL for signers, and they both seem to work, but not sure which one is the right way of doing it or if one approach is preferred over the other and why. Here is a sample code: …
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Hi, Is the callback key in notifications returned as a request header? If so, what is the name of that header? Thanks,
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Hello, I am trying to apply a layout that is created with PlaceHolder for signers. In my package I add my real signers with email and would like to map each real signer to a placeholder in the layout. What is the best way to do this?…
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I want to update the status in my database as soon as user sign the document. I haven't found code to get the status as soon as signer sign the document. I did register all the even using callback example code. when some activity happens…
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Hey ! I was working on the Java SDK to retrieve all the templates and their ids that I had created for a particular user, in the form of objects or lists. Is there a simple way to do this. If yes how do I do it ?
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Hi I am getting the above error while running the sdk examples on tomcat server. There are no other compile time dependencies other than the sdk itself correct?
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Hi, How can we hide the package owner in the drop down list of signers in the designer view (when the owner is not a signer)? Thanks,
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According to this page, field injection is for text field only. Is that still the case for Java SDK 11.0 which I'm using? We have forms that contain texts/radio buttons/drop-downs, etc.…