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Can you please provide us the code on how to create a transaction from a template using the iOS SDK
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When running sample app on simulator, it is working properly, but I'm getting the attached errors when creating ipa
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Hello, In the didSynchronizeTransaction protocol, we get a guid representing a signing ceremony id. My backend team need a DocumentID AND a PackageID. Is it possible to get these informations in the callbacks of…
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We build a web application using the Silanis.ESL.SDK to create and manage document to sign. Which is using the PackageID and DocumentID to interact with Esign in order to get the Signing status and download the signed document. This is…
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Hello, I am mapping TextFields in the pdf and I would like to show these fields with the content in it when the SDK pops. Currently, I have some text in the textfields but I can't see it. My hope is that the user sign only the signature…
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Hi! We are integrating the eSign SDK for iOs and our application is "offline first". Everything has to be smooth without an internet connexion. We have two issues right now in offline mode. 1- If we launch the app with an internet…
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After reading the docs, the solution for this problem says :
Please verify that the PDF exists, and that it has not been corrupted.
I am sure that my pdf exists and is not corrupted, but is not stored in the…
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Hello, Is there a way to make the SDK has the same localization as the app's one? Currently, it takes the same as the device language. Thank you, Max
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Hello, Let's say I make three transactions offline. When I get connectivity back, the SDK automatically sync the three transactions and I receive data in the callback with didSynchronizeTransaction(). However, I only get a GUID but I don…
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Hello, We found an issue with the iOS SDK that sometimes the SDK skip the ESign Disclosures and Consent document and skip directly to the contract. So, the user signs without agreeing the consent, and found to have a never ending "In…
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We are currently facing issues where we did not receive the confirmation (PackageId) from eSign with didSynchronizeTransaction.

So, is there a way to retrieve PackageId with a given temporaryId from iOS SDK?…