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I am playing around with asking signers to answer questions before signing the application to add some fraud mitigation. I added the following: var packageBuilder = PackageBuilder.NewPackageNamed(signingPackage.Name) …
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One of the requirements I have is a possibility for user to place a logo on a document beside signature. I realize that I can add custom fields but none of them is an image type. Is this possible to achieve? And how?
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Team, How can I add/replace existing 'default-consent' document with my own document (pdf). Can you please post some guide on this.
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I already have created the package and now want to add documents to it. I have file data in a byte array from the database. How do I add a document to the package with the byte array? Thanks Colleen
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I couldn’t find a method to add documents to package in draft mode. It seems UpdatePackage updates everything but documents. Is there a method to add documents in the package once it been created? If there is such method in your SDK…
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I have created a template in my eSignLive account. As the UI requires, I have uploaded a document. I have been trying to create a transaction using this template, however, I need to add documents to this transaction, on top of the ones…
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I am looking for a way to add senders to our OneSpan account without sending the invitation email.

We are integrating with OneSpan using the .net sdk and it is being used solely as a system-to-system integration…

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Hi Team,

I have multiple pages contract which has multiple signers.

For a specific signer, i am trying to add a input text field.

I am able to add the field but I am interested to make the field required…

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I am facing an issue while using the esignlive new sandbox ( with .NET SDK. I have a template defined with two place holders and signing order set as below: 1 – PlaceHolder1 2 -- PlaceHolder2 From, .NET SDK, I am…
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Is there a way via the API to get an a count of attachments for a transaction or a list of transactions and when they were added.  It doesn't appear new attachments change the Update Date.  We have people who are signing their…

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What would you recommend a good approach to checking eSignLive server availability before creating and/or sending packages. In previous weeks, we've encountered some downtime in the classic environment, and we'd like to put in place a step…
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Where do I find my API Key?

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If a customer builds an integration using the API, they would at minimum need to reference the API key to connect to OneSpan is that correct or could they use access token?


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Can you append a DocumentPackage that has been created. Dim eslClient As New EslClient(apiKey, apiUrl) Dim fs As FileStream = File.OpenRead(strESignLiveFile) Dim superDuperPackage As DocumentPackage =…
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I have created the following draft package:

DocumentPackage draftDocumentPackage = PackageBuilder

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After a Package is Completed its available at the plataform the option to manually Archived the transaction . Ok with that.

But those the plataform do any "Auto Archived", like after X days of being Completed…

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Hoping you can help. We have a scenario where a single signature may appear in several place. For example, in the case of a parent signing for a minor. The parent would have to sign as the owner, and sign for the minor. We only want the…
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I have a situation where I set delegation to a sender using code that has worked in the past.  The indication was that the delegation was successful BUT it didn't work.  Looking in the UI I figured out that the users had used…

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How can we attach an existing Template of e-SignLive into our web forms without having to create and send a package using .NET SDK. Suppose we already have the template ready in e-SignLive. How can we use that template in our web site so…
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I have a controller method public List GetPackageTransactions(string packageId) // packageId = "660bd4f9-d090-4233-9fec-d176404e1871" { PackageId pid = new Silanis.ESL.SDK.PackageId(packageId); List…
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Is there any way how we can authenticate the signing process using email address rather than the phonenumber. The scenario to be more precise is that after eslClient.SendPackage(packageId); When we get the signingUrl back, we would want…
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I have implemented the designer onespan iframe into our system. I am using laravel for doing this.  My question is regarding the sender authentication code which is a single use ? How can we implement creating a package and use the…

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I am working with authenticating Signers in the ceremony and when we try to set the signers to the default option (email) -- the package creation returns with a 400 error. This is the return error Could not send the package. Exception:…
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I did set up in Data Retention for archived as 1 days. It was moving to archived folder but i am not getting any callback notification for Transaction_Archived.
will I get notification or I should mark the status as…

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Hello, I recently updated the api version for Silanis.ESL.dll from 10.3 to 10.13, after doing so the code that I'm using to dynamically build the packages for getting signed no longer works. The test code that I use with hard coded values…