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Hi Team, I have Query like can we remove the Signers from documents before we sign. Thanks, Navya.
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If I assign a reminder schedule to a package with multiple signers will all the reminder schedules be applied to all the signers in order? Case:
   reminderScheduleToCreate = ReminderScheduleBuilder.ForPackageWithId(packageId)
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Hi, I came across an issue today, we are receiving the in-correct document status when we try to check that from .NET SDK. For Document 1: Package Id : DawPINFPRX_fGrvTnRi0DA6UV0I= Document Id : consent-Buyer API URL :…
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We have integrated with OneSpan using your .Net SDK (version ).  We have built out logic to reject attachments but we have come across a scenario where if a sender has multiple attachments that are rejected, when we…

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I'm thinking there MIGHT be a bug but wanted to post here before claiming that entirely. I'm using the latest .NET SDK. Simple example is this: 1 document, 1 signer , 1 signature. Prior to the signature there are two radio buttons. …
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Hello, What is the value I will use to inject the text for a radio button inside a document in esignlive. Thanks, Nehme
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We are an on prem installation running version 7.2.  We have integrated with OneSpan using the .Net SDK and we are looking to add KBA functionality to our integration.  We have some questions that we were…

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Good Morning, I am currently in the process of making modifications to exsiting signing ceremonies in order to use the WithAda() Flag and make the documents readable by software such as the JAWS reader. In the process of converting these…
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When I use the .NET SDK version 11.5, I'm have a problems getting the signerId of package signers. What I want to do is this:
  1. call the eslClient.GetPackage(packageId) method to get information about an existing package
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I’m a little confused over how to correctly and completely iterate over the results returned from the esl.PackageService.GetUpdatedPackagesWithinDateRange, as it appears I’m only iterating over the first 10 items. I have the following…
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On the attached code, the template created always include myself as a signer. How can I stop this from happening?

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Is it possible to pass a pre-filled PDF into or with the usage of a template? That way we can use the template for signature placement but use our filling services to fill the rest of the data.

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Hello, We have a workflow where we wish to print a 'name' and the 'date' on the completed document after all signatories have signed. Is there a way to accomplish this preferably using the .NET SDK. Thanks Ranga
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We have a need to create a transaction entirely programmatically without displaying any type of UI. To my knowledge this is possible through the use of templates. But as far as I can ascertain, templates needed to be created by hand in…
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Note: I saw this forum post but it wasn't really giving an answer so I am starting a new one to…

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Would like to check if there's a way to use a template and programmatically populate custom fields or labels for information like Policy #, Customer Name & Address, and any other transaction-specific details. The example from this…
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We're using document extraction to populate a Signature Date field with the date of signing via naming a form field with something like this: [Signer1.Capture1.label1.Date]. We're not able to use any template as we need to pre-fill client…
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Hello, I have already a template with 2 placeholders called Signer1 and Signer2. When creating a document packge from the template, how I can update these placeholders to add the email address and first and last name for the signers. Do…
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Hi There, In our application, I am using the code below to get the documents eSigned Automatically in the sandbox account. There are two documents that needs to be signed and each document is only 70-100kb in size, but the signing process…
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We are going to be sending eSign a PDF that already contains the tags for signature. I'm looking at documentation, but can't see where to find the tags we need to put in the pdf. Can someone else that is not using templates in eSign,…
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I had API code below that used a PullPageSize of 500 and worked fine, but with the OneSpan updates that returns a null pointer.  I can use 100 without a problem.  


Why was the size limited?  What is the…

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Hello, Is there a way to update package builder after package is build? There's no method found in the SDK. Please advise. Thanks so much.
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I'm using the SDK to create a package that contains one document to be signed. I want to offer my customer the ability to 'Cancel' a package. Should I use the 'Trash' or the 'Delete Package' method? What are the differences?
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I'm using On this platform I get this behaviour which in my mind is unexpected. I have created 3 packages. All 3 packages have 2 signers. In firs two cases signer two OPTED_OUT or DECLINED. Why then when I query…
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We receive the following error message if the package is signed by the one individual and not the other when we do a check status call. Could not get signing status. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. HTTP…