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I have registered as callback Url on account page. I have also created API controller method public static void Log(CallbackLogModel model) { ......... } where model is JSON model I expect to be…
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Hello, I have created package and send successfully. How to assign right for send package to another user(who is sender of document on particular package) using rest api.?? I have tried with delegates and added sender on my account but…
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Hi Team, We are trying to create the Approvals using REST API. This works without any issues when we don't use the text anchors. However, when we use text anchors, we don't get the expected results i.e. the approval fields are created…
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Hi! Do you have anywhere online full REST API documentation with all possible request payload fields defined? For example, there is a
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I'm using the POST /packages/{packageId}/clone API call to create package from template. The template has some fields added and I want to fill one of them so the signer will not be able to change it. Is it possible? And if…
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I will have a great number of users to maintain. In order to simplify process and to make adding and modifying users I need to (or prefer to) 1. Add users programmatically (this probably has to return user API key) 2. Once user is added I…
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I have a document that is newly uploaded and created on the fly. What is the best way to place the signature fields within the PDF? Is this a separate REST API call?
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I would like to show my signer a message that says something to the effect of: “Thank you for signing your application. We will send you a completed copy of the application signed by both you and the vender.” This would be something…
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I use the package creation document upload API to create a document for signature. I want to make sure our signers receive a signed copy of their document at the end of signing. How can I assure that the signed document (other than the…
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Hi guys, I looked around and am not able to find confirming on this: is it possible to embed the form/package for user to sign on our website? All of our users have their own account and it would be nice to be able to display the form…
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I've noticed that the e-sign live SDK supports the ability to delegate access form one signer to another. (As documented at the bottom of this page…
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Hi, Just a little bit of background first on what my objective is: We have a Web Application for Institutions used by their staff (brokers). The Application which creates legal forms with merged data in PDF. The final output is a combined…
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Hi, thanks Haris for your input, my next step is to simulate the workflow and working on a POC using SOAPUI ( a freeware I use to test REST services ). The workflow is straight forward: 1. Create a Package and Send the PDF . Read the…
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Hello while uplaoding pdf i ma getting this error: {"technical":"Cannot upload document fdgl_doc. Please make sure your document does not contain any embedded files.","packageId":null,"messageKey":"error.validation.verifyDocument…
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Hello! I seem to be getting a 500 when I try to upload a new document. I am not exactly sure what is going wrong; I attached my settings below, and this is the generated HTTP snippet by Postman
POST /api/packages…
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Hi! I have been trying to upload multiple documents with a post request to '/api/packages' (the sandbox) url and getting getting the error indicating the number of documents sent in the payload is different from what I attached, Could…
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Hi! Is there a way to update role/roles (already created) in package with Q&A challenges? I have tried PUT on '/api/packages/:packageId/roles/:roleId' but it seems as though the auth part of my request is being ignored.
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Hi! I am not able to create new documents using post method from NodeJs server, please find the request and response below
  domain: null,
  _events: { end: [Function: bound _clearTimeout] },
  _eventsCount: 1,
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Hey there, I'm building out an application where I have to prepopulate a PDF with values the we either already have or gather from the user. I've used your blog post
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Can we send mail in cc to another user when package is send using rest api, when singer get's mail at same time cc mail goes to another email can we do that using Rest API. Thanks
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Hi I'm trying to update the STATUS from "DRAFT" to "SENT" but getting an error. Here is my snippet... Am i missing anything?
                string url = eslBaseURL + NamedConstants.Packages + "/…
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Once the Package is updated with status = "SENT", emails are sent to the corresponding applicants (signers) in the package. However, since this process is happening in front of the Lender, I would I like to provide the applicants (borrower…
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Hello looking at the python code, i'm trying to run one of the example application use cases. i'm simply grabbed my API key, and updated the sandbox API url…
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hello, this may no be the correct forum to post this question. I've most likely overlooked this somewhere, however, where has the team published the various JSON schemas? i'd like to build some to assist with serialization…
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Hello all, Thank you for the good forum, and your help here! I'm trying to integrate our systems with you, and I'm sending a JSON object trying to clone a template with 1 pdf document inside, but by some reason all the fields are not…