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Can't seem to find the documentation that I swear I saw at one point that said the ID fields must meet certain criteria? Am I crazy?

I have a Regex in my code ([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+) to only keep alpha numeric, _,…

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When documents are signed via the application they are uploaded for storage, however some of the generic documents don't have a customer ID available.  Is there a way for the sender to be able to apply the customers ID onto…

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Hello, We need to change the email sent to signers. We want to change the from mail, the subject, the body... The idea is only getting the document URL to send our own email. Can we achieve this? Best regards,
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Is it possible to define a custom height and width of a field, especially the custom fields so that when the user drags and drops the fields, a particular height and width of the custom field is dragged on the document? Yes, the user…

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Can we include the custom field inside the Package? If possible please let me know.
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We've done our initial production rollout of our new feature that includes eSignLive integration - everything is working great, but one of the early feedback items that has come back our way is the desire to do a bit of custom branding…
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Hello Duo, 

Our requirements: 

We will have a multiple subscribers using our service. Currently, we have one single account under onespan for the integration of onespan into our system. We are using the…

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Hello Duo, 

We are implementing sender account API key for creating transaction on behalf of the sender. While creating a sender's API key, I have found that if the sender ID is same, the API key generated is always the…

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I have an issue where I am adding 2 signers to a package that have the same name. They have unique IDs and different email addresses. Is there a solution to this use case?
    "signers": [{
        "firstName": "JOHN",
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Hi! I have been trying to upload multiple documents with a post request to '/api/packages' (the sandbox) url and getting getting the error indicating the number of documents sent in the payload is different from what I attached, Could…
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Hi All, I followed instructions provided in "REST API" tab Also "Code Share" hyperlink does not have any code sample to download. Using postman REST API client…
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Here is the situation : We integrated OneSpan eSign into our Saas. As we wanted it completely withelabeled, we integrated the designer into an iFrame and we use the callback events listed here:…
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Hi Team, We are trying to create the Approvals using REST API. This works without any issues when we don't use the text anchors. However, when we use text anchors, we don't get the expected results i.e. the approval fields are created…
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Is it possible? Has anyone done this?
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I am new to the OneSpan sandbox and REST APIs/.NET SDK

I have the following scenario and I'm using some CodeShare samples to piece this together:

1. Retrieve a PDF without embedded…

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I've been trying to create a package from a template by referring to this documentation: https:/…

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Hello all,

My goal is to enable an admin person to easily assist with a signature package (they will be the sender) but where the admin person is strictly the sender and will never be a signer.

I am exploring the…

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I'm trying to add a role to an existing package in draft status. I'm getting
    "technical": "",
    "packageId": null,
    "messageLanguage": null,
    "messageKey": "http.status.415",
    "entity": null,
    "code": 415,
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Hello, I want to create a Draft package (no signers, no documents) with the REST API. I'm sending this JSON string :
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I am trying to create a package and include the Signing Method (personalCertificateSigning) for the roles in the package. Is there a way to send this as part of the package creation and not do this as an update, ie. needing to call PUT…
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Hi Team, We are using rest API to communicate with esign live . when we create and send document we are using the below url . Once we send…
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Hi, I am translating SDK call to REST API. Attached is the code we use SDK call. I have difficult to find all options or parameter from the website documentation. Could you please provide some sample, how to construct the required…
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Hi, I want to upload document on package, document uploading working fine. I also want to add roles and approvals through code. I have added payload in this way but it is not working. "payload": path.join(__dirname, 'payload.json')…
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I have access to three Sub Account.
I can create package inside any of the sub accounts in UI.

If i create a package through API it will be created inside my home sub account

How to create package…

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I have seen the post of creating the package from the existing template using .NET SDK. Is it possible using REST API too. If yes can you please make a…