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Hello Duo, 

We are implementing sender account API key for creating transaction on behalf of the sender. While creating a sender's API key, I have found that if the sender ID is same, the API key generated is always the…

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We've done our initial production rollout of our new feature that includes eSignLive integration - everything is working great, but one of the early feedback items that has come back our way is the desire to do a bit of custom branding…
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Can we include the custom field inside the Package? If possible please let me know.
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Is it possible to define a custom height and width of a field, especially the custom fields so that when the user drags and drops the fields, a particular height and width of the custom field is dragged on the document? Yes, the user…

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Hello, We need to change the email sent to signers. We want to change the from mail, the subject, the body... The idea is only getting the document URL to send our own email. Can we achieve this? Best regards,
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When documents are signed via the application they are uploaded for storage, however some of the generic documents don't have a customer ID available.  Is there a way for the sender to be able to apply the customers ID onto…

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Can't seem to find the documentation that I swear I saw at one point that said the ID fields must meet certain criteria? Am I crazy?

I have a Regex in my code ([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+) to only keep alpha numeric, _,…

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Hello, We need to change the signature appareance of our documents. The idea is to change the background image and the text format . Can we achieve this? Best regards,
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I need to customize signing ceremony (logo, primary and secondary color) at package level

I saw that you can send a settings.ceremony object with some parameters, but i don't see you can send properties from signing theme…

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Hello, We want to customize the Tool Bar language for some of our signing ceremonies. I'm looking at this guide that highlights the…
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Hello, Is there a way to customize the email’s FROM field? Right now, the field shows as: e-SignLive . I understand that the sender’s email address cannot be changed without using DKIM. But,…
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I have been trying to hide the buttons from the header, and the confirm button is still showing, here is my json
ceremony: {
            layout: {
              header: {
                sessionBar: false,
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Hi team,

Is possible to have a template with a fillable PDF and we will fill the field using the API when we call the template (for exemple account number, contract number...) before send it to signature ?

Thank you<…

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I'm trying to save some metadata in the `data` attribute of approvals, or even within a `Field`, but when I GET the package, `data` is `None`. I've had no issues saving metadata within ``. Not sure whether this is a bug,…

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We are planning to extract OneSpan data via api's to drive reporting.

A) there are some advantages (simplicity) to re-extract all data, every night

B) there are also advantages to incremental extracts, i.e. net…

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Guys - Is there a way to format the date capture to only be a date and not a date/time? I know we can do this with labels as we are currently doing it but was hoping we could format that date capture.
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Do the from and to parameters i the /api/packages accept/support time (or just 'yyyy-MM-dd' date)? Are the values based on GMT time?
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We just had an issue last night where it was December 22nd when a signer tried to sign a document. The stamp on the SMARTNOTE came out as December 23rd when it was clearly the 22nd.

When you pull the package…

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Hi Guys, Got another one. We have the case where if a user declines to consent to E-Signature, we're curious if there is a way to show them an additional 'Are you sure?' warning. Additionally, we would like to send one or more of the…
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Hi What is the difference between decline and opt out.
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HI, Every time When I create template, a default document named "Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent" is created. I don't want this document. Is there a way to do this? Thanks Zeeshan Hanif
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Hi Esign team, I am wondering if there's any way i can make "Capture Signature" my default signature currently "Click to-Sign" is the default signature Thanks
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I am able to create the checkbox using the examples on the site but is there a way to set a checkbox to checked by default?
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Hello, I've searched the forum for web hooks/call backs and couldn't find anything special. Is it possible to get notified when a user signs a document? Like using web hooks or generally defining a custom function for this event? Thank…
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Hi everybody,


I'm wondering if there is a way to define a sender that doesn't have an account in onespan


I need to create packages created by some users from my platform and i would…