
Silanis is not sending email bounce notification

0 votes
Hi, I am not getting email bounce notification for wrong email signer in request. This is my post to silanis, please let me know is there anything missing in request. I have checked the email bounce check box in call back events. { "trashed":"true", "documents":[ { "extract":"true", "name":"SmartApp_en_2017311", "approvals":[ { "fields":[ { "name":"RepPropIns1Sign", "extract":"true", "type":"SIGNATURE", "subtype":"CAPTURE" }, { "name":"DateRepPropIns1", "extract":"true", "type":"INPUT", "subtype":"LABEL", "value":"07/13/2018" } ], "role":"SIGNER_2010082" }, { "fields":[ { "name":"AuthPropIns1Sign", "extract":"true", "type":"SIGNATURE", "subtype":"CAPTURE" }, { "name":"DateAuthPropIns1", "extract":"true", "type":"INPUT", "subtype":"LABEL", "value":"07/13/2018" } ], "role":"SIGNER_2010082" }, { "fields":[ { "name":"RepPropOwn2Sign", "extract":"true", "type":"SIGNATURE", "subtype":"CAPTURE" }, { "name":"DateRepPropOwn2", "extract":"true", "type":"INPUT", "subtype":"LABEL", "value":"07/13/2018" } ], "role":"SIGNER_2010083" } ] } ], "roles":[ { "id":"SIGNER_2010082", "signers":[ { "email":"[email protected]", "firstName":"amith", "id":"SIGNER_2010082", "lastName":"tiwari", "auth":{ "challenges":[ { "maskInput":"true", "answer":"testing", "question":"What was the name of the city where your mother was born?" } ], "scheme":"CHALLENGE" } } ] }, { "id":"SIGNER_2010083", "signers":[ { "email":"[email protected]", "firstName":"FirstN", "id":"SIGNER_2010083", "lastName":"LastN", "auth":{ "challenges":[ { "maskInput":"true", "answer":"testing", "question":"What was your favourite toy when you were a child?" } ], "scheme":"CHALLENGE" } } ] } ], "status":"SENT", "language":"en", "name":"BMO Insurance eSign Package", "due":"2018-07-28T13:41:49Z", "type":"PACKAGE", "userName":"eBix", "userPwd":"3F166721197B5", "settings":{ "ceremony":{ "events":{ "complete":{ "dialog":"true" } }, "inPerson":"true", "declineButton":"true" } } } Thanks Sairam

Reply to: Silanis is not sending email bounce notification

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Hi Sairam, As the previous post mentioned: If the domain is valid, system would send the bounce email notification within minutes. However, if the domain does not exist, you would receive the notification the next day. In your case, I believe the first gmail address is not verified, so you should have received an email within couple minutes. If you provide the package id, I could check the details of the package for you to find out why it didn't happen. Thanks for your post and hope this could help you!

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

Reply to: Silanis is not sending email bounce notification

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Hi Duo Liang Thanks for your support, below is the package id. 63379e9f-e7d0-4b4a-ae52-75868fab6274 Thanks, Sairam

Reply to: Silanis is not sending email bounce notification

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Was there a result to this? We are also experiencing a longer than usual delay. If we resend invites with an invalid email, we immediately get the bounce notification, whereas we use an invalid email address during start of a transaction, the bounce takes quite a while to trigger.

Reply to: Silanis is not sending email bounce notification

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Hi, The below responses I got in Callback ***************** This is for signer whose email is proper and complete ************************** SIGNER_COMPLETE 63379e9f-e7d0-4b4a-ae52-75868fab6274 SIGNER_2010083 ***************** This is for signer whose email is not valid ************************** 63379e9f-e7d0-4b4a-ae52-75868fab6274 SIGNER_2010082 Thanks, Sairam

Reply to: Silanis is not sending email bounce notification

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Hi Sairam, Sorry for the late reply. I checked with our backend system but I couldn't find your package, which environment are you using? Given the environment, I would make another ticket for you and response to you ASAP. Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

Reply to: Silanis is not sending email bounce notification

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Hi, I have created a new request/package and please find below request, response, package and environment details ************************************************************************* Request JSON ---------------------- {"trashed":"true","documents":[{"extract":"true","name":"SmartApp_en_2017590","approvals":[{"fields":[{"name":"RepPropIns1Sign","extract":"true","type":"SIGNATURE","subtype":"CAPTURE"},{"name":"DateRepPropIns1","extract":"true","type":"INPUT","subtype":"LABEL","value":"07/18/2018"}],"role":"SIGNER_2010220"},{"fields":[{"name":"AuthPropIns1Sign","extract":"true","type":"SIGNATURE","subtype":"CAPTURE"},{"name":"DateAuthPropIns1","extract":"true","type":"INPUT","subtype":"LABEL","value":"07/18/2018"}],"role":"SIGNER_2010220"},{"fields":[{"name":"RepPropOwn2Sign","extract":"true","type":"SIGNATURE","subtype":"CAPTURE"},{"name":"DateRepPropOwn2","extract":"true","type":"INPUT","subtype":"LABEL","value":"07/18/2018"}],"role":"SIGNER_2010221"}]}],"roles":[{"id":"SIGNER_2010220","signers":[{"email":"[email protected]","firstName":"amith","id":"SIGNER_2010220","lastName":"tiwari","auth":{"challenges":[{"maskInput":"true","answer":"testing","question":"What was the name of the city where your mother was born?"}],"scheme":"CHALLENGE"}}]},{"id":"SIGNER_2010221","signers":[{"email":"[email protected]","firstName":"FirstN","id":"SIGNER_2010221","lastName":"LastN","auth":{"challenges":[{"maskInput":"true","answer":"testing","question":"What was your favourite toy when you were a child?"}],"scheme":"CHALLENGE"}}]}],"status":"SENT","language":"en","name":"BMO Insurance eSign Package","due":"2018-08-02T14:06:04Z","type":"PACKAGE","userName":"eBix","userPwd":"3F166721197B5","settings":{"ceremony":{"events":{"complete":{"dialog":"true"}},"inPerson":"true","declineButton":"true"}}} Environment -------------------- Package ID in the response ----------------------------------- package response from silanis is::{"id":"d45d2a91-e90f-4465-b91e-fe53fb60de28"} 2018-07-18 02:07:04:004 | DEBUG | ultipartRequest/ | ConverterJsonToXML | 247 - com.planetsoft.ihub.utils - 1.0.0 | : Json payload :{"packageId":"d45d2a91-e90f-4465-b91e-fe53fb60de28"} 2018-07-18 02:07:04:004 | DEBUG | ultipartRequest/ | ConverterJsonToXML | 247 - com.planetsoft.ihub.utils - 1.0.0 | : XML payload : d45d2a91-e90f-4465-b91e-fe53fb60de28 Response for Signer Complete for whose email id is valid -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Endpoint[seda://silanisEsignAsyncLoggingRoute?concurrentConsumers=20&waitForTaskToComplete=Never] Exchange[Message: d45d2a91-e90f-4465-b91e-fe53fb60de28 SIGNER_2010220 ] callBack response is::: SIGNER_COMPLETEd45d2a91-e90f-4465-b91e-fe53fb60de28SIGNER_2010220 Response for Signer not complete for whose email id is NOT valid --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2018-07-18 02:08:52:052 | DEBUG | oteNotification/ | HttpURLConnection | - - | pairs: {POST /api/packages/d45d2a91-e90f-4465-b91e-fe53fb60de28/roles/SIGNER_2010221/notifications HTTP/1.1: null}{Authorization: Basic V1pvdGNaTWI5endROmRZZXU1ajRQYVZJQQ==}{Content-Type: application/json}{Accept: application/json}{Cache-Control: no-cache}{Pragma: no-cache}{User-Agent: Java/1.8.0_60}{Host:}{Connection: close}{Content-Length: 4} ************************************************************************* Thanks, Sairam

Reply to: Silanis is not sending email bounce notification

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Hi Sairam, I also encountered this issue in Classis US Sandbox environment. In this case, you can file a support ticket at [email protected] and I will follow up the ticket for you. Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

Reply to: Silanis is not sending email bounce notification

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Hi Duo Liang, Support ticket created, Case # 00108826 Thanks, Sairam

Reply to: Silanis is not sending email bounce notification

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Hi Sairam, I just got confirmed that OneSpan Sign have closed the bounce email feature on US classic Sandbox. You still have this feature in other environments including US classic PROD. Hope this could help you! Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

Reply to: Silanis is not sending email bounce notification

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Hi Duo Liang, Can you please let me know the details of other similar eSign development regions for integration. Thanks, Sairam

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