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OneSpan Sign
• Can the font/size of text for the eSignature capture be changed?
Currently when we test in the sandbox environment - i looks very tiny and difficult to read unless we zoom in - please let us know if anyone happen to increase the size of the eSigned signature.
Thank you,
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OneSpan Sign
We are sending a PDF with fields for signature and date. The date is currently injected and is the package creation date. We were wondering if there is a way to have the date be the actual signing date.
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OneSpan Sign
So I am trying to upload an image to the signature capture section, handdrawn value, and I am having an issue with one file.
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OneSpan Sign
I see that we now have the ability to load up a notary capture to the system using a png so now I have two questions.
1. Is there a way to upload a png file to the system as the notary capture signature?
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OneSpan Sign
As per my requirement, I need to provide 2 different capture tag for same person.
One for full signature and another for "Paraph sign" (Small sign which contains only initial)
Right now I am using below signature tag for one sign:
is there any way to implement
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OneSpan Sign
My company has a need to retrieve the actual signing stroke data that results from a CAPTURE type signature. It appears that this data is available already, but I cannot find documentation for the format of that data.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi OneSpan team.
I'm capturing the sender's signature in my custom UI. And save it via POST call to "user.signature.handdrawn".
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OneSpan Sign
I have made a template the first signature capture mandatory for each signer and subsequently made the rest optional with conditional logic. This setup ensures that the mandatory capture becomes optional once any of the others are signed.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to capture the font-end event notifications in iOS? I am loading the signing session in a wkwebview and I'm trying to capture these events: https://docs.esignlive.com/content/c_integrator_s_guide/event_notifier/event_notifier.htm. Is it possible?
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OneSpan Sign
I am working on a package that has both captures on one document. I'm using the handdrawn value for one and the fromfile for the other.
On the first approval using the handdrawn value, it works fine. I then go onto the fromfile capture approval and it works fine.