51 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to perform an in-person signing but I require to authenticate the signer. I have enabled SMS/Security Question authentication while creating the transaction. The authentication mechanisms work fine when the signing process is started from the link sent through email.
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OneSpan Sign
I want to experiment with In-Person signing in the Sandbox, is it enabled? I tried through the eSignLive UI and also through .NET, here is how I attempted to enable it in .NET, both in package creation (near top) and by Setting it again (near bottom).
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OneSpan Sign
How to create In-Person signing session using REST API (not using Silanis.ESL.SDK)
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OneSpan Sign
New user of OneSpan. In my job, I have to have documents signed by talent.
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OneSpan Sign
Use case: we have situation where the client is ALWAYS going to be doing in-house, in-person signings.
Documents are produced from their Enterprise App with embedded text tags, and sent to OSS via the print driver.
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OneSpan Sign
I always get this error while trying to retrieve session id for the in-person signing ceremony using Iframe.
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OneSpan Sign
Our customer wants to deploy an App in a tablet for having their patients signing a consent form authorizing some medical procedures. It would be an in-person signing scenario.
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OneSpan Sign
We create a package from our Salesforce API and redirect the user to the signing URL in case of in-person signing.
Is it possible to remove the "Exit Signing" option from the "More Actions" menu?
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OneSpan Sign
We have tried several angles at achieving this using both the REST API and the .NET SDK but have so far not had any luck.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, we currently are using e-signature packages (created using the RESTful API) where all signers are fully remote e-signers.