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OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to add extra fields to a transaction through the REST API but I can't get the extra fields to show up.
So far I managed to add a free text field at the time of signing, but I can't get it to show the initials of the signer or the date of signing.
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OneSpan Sign
I am migrating servers for Laserfiche and OneSpan. Laserfiche 11 is successfully migrated, LF Server, Web Client, Workflow, etc.
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OneSpan Sign
Now sure if this has been asked before, but we need to retrieve which signer was last sent the signature email by OneSpan, including the signing order of this signer.
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OneSpan Sign
I have installed the OneSpan Sign for SharePoint Online but when I try to access to the connector I am getting an error. Does anyone know how to solve this issue or is because the connector is deprecated?
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OneSpan Sign
Hi. Is there a configuration setting that we could enable where a signer could fill out a document, then save their progress, then subsequently come back to finish filling it out and complete signing?
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OneSpan Sign
LaserFiche Workflow sends doc to be signed. Onespan hold it in draft.
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OneSpan Sign
Below are the step we use for hand drawn signature capture using api
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OneSpan Sign
Hi all,
Is it possible to customize the email sent out once the signing has been completed (the one with a link to download completed documents'.
We use e-sign for multiple different documents and want each document to have its own email template.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I was able to sign a document when a signer is assigned to a signbox using API.
But the same users sign is not possible when the singer belongs to a group.
is there any restriction to sign via APIs for groups?
API response is 200 for both.