353 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Our OneSpan account is customer-facing and we support French speaking customers. Most of the signing process translates to French properly expect the 'Thank You' message attached.
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OneSpan Sign
1. In the Capture Signature option, can the words that overlay the signature (E-Signed by John Smith) be dropped to just display the signature. Please see the attachment for reference
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Mobile Security Suite
Am I correct in assuming that the MSS iOS Secure Storage SDK does not support sharing the storage between the app and the app extension? I came across a note (attached screenshot) in the documentation, but I would appreciate some clarification on this matter.
Thank you!
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OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to upload the attached PDF as part of a template. When I do so, I get this error: Cannot process document. Please make sure your document does not contain any embedded files.
Is there a way around this? Perhaps as a different file format?
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
In OneSpan portal we can search a transaction by transaction name. (I have attached a screen shot)
Is there any api in SDK which allows us to search a package by Transaction name?
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OneSpan Sign
We are consuming one span esign api from pega. The package creation is failing with the below reason
Message: Cannot send package without approvals.
Message key: error.validation.sendPackage.noApprovals
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OneSpan Sign
I'd like to know how to create package with digital signature PDF form (see attachment), normally we have PDF form with Acro field. could you please share the API/SDK create package payload ?
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OneSpan Sign
We've got a form where one section is a radio button group. The "Actions required" language at the top of the New Signer Experience form is telling user there are 8 actions when in actuality there are only three because one of the actions is a radio button group.
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OneSpan Sign
Recently, I tried us copy-tool v1.6.0 copy layouts from on-prem to CA sandbox account, and I got error (see attachment), any idea?
but it's successful to copy template between on-prem and CA sandbox.
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OneSpan Sign
I just started with Apex SDK and its integration in one of my developer sandbox. But i didnt see anything with the API key in my sandbox (screenshots attached). So i created a client Id and client secret but not sure if its the right way of creating a API key.