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OneSpan Sign
I have a document which two or more people need to sign it. I would like to for each sign OneSpan call my Callback API or when all people sign the document my callback api will be called by OneSpan.
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OneSpan Sign
For the different callback notification events in https://community.onespan.com/documentation/onespan-sign/guides/feature-guides/developer/set-callback-notifications&n
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, We have integrated our salesforce application with onespan using APEX SDK.
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OneSpan Sign
I understand the following link is where I can test REST API Call:
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OneSpan Sign
Reading these two documents:
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OneSpan Sign
First, my apologies if this is the incorrect forum group for this topic. Happy to move it to a different forum if there is a better one.
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OneSpan Sign
I read the website below about naming conversion for document extraction, but I don't see the sample for radio button group, could you please send me the sample?
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OneSpan Sign
I am using this as a reference for timezones.