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OneSpan Sign
I use the package creation document upload API to create a document for signature.
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OneSpan Sign
I want to load two signing sessions for two users on the same browser. I have two silanis live urls (https://sandbox.esignlive.com/access?sessionToken=user1SessionToken and https://sandbox.esignlive.com/access?sessionToken=user2SessionToken) and opened in two tabs of the chrome browser.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello Duo,
Here is our use case scenario:
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OneSpan Sign
resending a signing invitation doesn't work. Not in the Sandbox and also not from the Web UI.
I actually don't believe I am making a mistake using both. Maybe the problem is in our package coding, wich however works fine with all other REST APIs we are using.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to customize email template variable (specifically $PACKAGE_OWNER_NAME) when we create package using `Clone` rest API ?
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to apply validation rules on field values during signing ceremony? We have bunch of phone number fields and email address fields. We want to make sure that signers enter these fields in a specific format.
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OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to download the signed document and evidence summary PDF as a single PDF with the apex SDK? Right now we get each file separately.
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OneSpan Sign
We currently received notifications when the package is completed "PACKAGE_COMPLETE" however the documentid property is null.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi ,
one of the client saw the message "Signed and all signatures are valid, but with unsigned changes after the last signature" in the Adobe, any idea what it means?
I attached the form for your investigation.
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OneSpan Sign
I have placed a signing date tag the top of my document. The document essentially reads "this is effective as of {{esl:Signer1:SigningDate}}." When we open the signing ceremony this is blank and just leave a large space in between the words and is leading to confusion.