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OneSpan Sign
I am just getting started with eSign live and will start working on .NET integration in the next week or so. To get started learning about the eSign process I have created a couple transactions using the UI in the sandbox.
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OneSpan Sign
If a OneSpan Sign package has 3 documents to sign, does the event notification send one message to cover all three documents or does it send 3 messages with different Document Ids?
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, I want to disable the email notification to an specific signer, I already try this
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OneSpan Sign
It seems that there is no event notification for when an email is blocked. Say an email is used multiple times for a signer and that email bounces. Eventually it gets caught by OneSpan and is now "blocked" if that email is again used for a signer.
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OneSpan Sign
Question on Remote Sign, where the signer receives an email. If the signing order is set, is OneSpan supposed to automatically email the next-in-order?
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OneSpan Sign
We would like to use the signer_complete event notification so that we get notified on when a signer for a given package has completed signing.
Below is the event that we receive but the event has no indication of which signer signed it.
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OneSpan Sign
See Attachment
Here's the DOCUMENT_SIGNED push notification, I can't associate the sessionUser to either signer in the Package object returned from the SDK. (see the screen shot below, I have the signer Ids boxed in red)
Is this a known bug with the push notification? Can this be fixed?
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OneSpan Sign
We started integration with oneSpan and our applications and we are now facing issue with callback notification service.
We have 2 applications which can initate signing process in oneSpan (sales app and hr app). Both has different client apps key configured.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi Support team,
our client is expecting front-end event notification when signing is completed, does OneSpan provide it? not the one registered in the portal.
by the way, client using iFrame to launch OSS.
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OneSpan Sign
I have a couple of general queries regarding the movement of a transaction into "Trash" that I have been unable to find answers on.