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OneSpan Sign
I am writing an app that will hypothetically integrate with OneSpan Sign. I would want the users of my app to be able to log into OneSpan Sign and grant my app permission to create Transactions in their OneSpan sign account on their behalf. Is this possible with OneSpan sign?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I know there is a tool to copy templates and layouts between users. I want to add that ability to my own tool we have for our help desk. Is there an example of how to do this in .NET that already exists?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
API Rest allows me to create a sender in an account. I could verify this process by viewing the sender from Admin> User, but I could not assign it roles through API. Therefore, he will not be able to manage or generate a transaction because it don't has a role..
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OneSpan Sign
I have downloaded the new SDK version 11 and installed it in my application. I have updated my api key to the new one I received when I created a new sandbox account. I have updated my code to call the designer and signing urls.
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OneSpan Sign
I'm just looking for the latest list of all available back office changes that can be applied to our accounts and can't seem to find it anywhere after searching the forums or the document
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OneSpan Sign
Does eSignLive provide any mechanism (feed / API, etc.) to export out the statistics at an account level (e.g. # of packages created per sender, datestamp signed, etc.).
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OneSpan Sign
I'd like to know how to download the flatten version of signed document via REST API? does it also configured in the account level?
Currently, we are using something like the below, it's giving me unflatten one.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I saved the handwritten signature in the account under "Identity" tab, and in the document, I put a signature with "capture signature' type, but when i signing and click the signature box, the saved signature not applied instead of asking me to provide the signature again.
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OneSpan Sign
I have created a template in my eSignLive account.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have the code working that sets the "sender" when the package is not in-person. But this code doesn't seem to work with in-person. All the in-person packages shows me (account owner) as the owner even when I set a different user as the sender.