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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to perform an in-person signing but I require to authenticate the signer. I have enabled SMS/Security Question authentication while creating the transaction. The authentication mechanisms work fine when the signing process is started from the link sent through email.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I just installed OneSpan Sign for Salesforce. I am trying to test out a transaction, but whenever I go to prepare the document I get this error: User does not have EDIT/DELETE access to package. I have a System Administrator profile and I have been assigned to the appropriate permission sets.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am writing an app that will hypothetically integrate with OneSpan Sign. I would want the users of my app to be able to log into OneSpan Sign and grant my app permission to create Transactions in their OneSpan sign account on their behalf. Is this possible with OneSpan sign?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
API Rest allows me to create a sender in an account. I could verify this process by viewing the sender from Admin> User, but I could not assign it roles through API. Therefore, he will not be able to manage or generate a transaction because it don't has a role..
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to have it so embedded documents can be signed by users without them needing accounts?
User accesses out system (we have their name and email)
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are currently using docusign as our electronic signature system and are in the process of moving over to yourselves.
At present when we create our transactions for signatures, we also send copies to our sales man and internal colleagues so they are able to view the document unsigned.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am getting the following exception while trying to create a Package using
.withExtractionType(ExtractionType.TEXT_TAGS) for the DocumentBuilder,
Is there a way to use ExtractionType alongside createPackage?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello all,
Thank you for the good forum, and your help here!
I'm trying to integrate our systems with you, and I'm sending a JSON object trying to clone a template with 1 pdf document inside, but by some reason all the fields are not listed.
First thing I've noticed is that when you create the packa
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am trying to create a transaction using a template and when I put myself as one of the signers, the tool displays a message saying that the signature settings for the signer will be removed (see the attached image).
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Application listener (callback URL) is not available when OSS triggers callback event upon completion of the transaction.