576 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Your code samples are not showing on your getting started pages eg:
Creating and Sending a Package (.NET)
Can you fix?
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OneSpan Sign
I have this code as was suggested by OneSpan for retrieving "GetUpdatedPackagesWithinDateRange" but I am getting an error on this line.
Page completed_packages = eslClient.PackageService.GetUpdatedPackagesWithinDateRange(DocumentPackageStatus.SENT, new PageRequest(index, 10),
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We have an account with IDV enabled. We just wanted to confirm whether it is necessary for us to use the Retrieve IDV workflow api call before setting the authentication for a signer as "DV" or "DVF" while creating a package using create package api.
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying out the Text Tags for configuring the signing over the API and getting this error as I try to create the package and send.
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OneSpan Sign
We're trying to generate the package using template. Templates are created in sandbox.esignlive.com.
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OneSpan Sign
I read the following blog post:
And tried setting up reminders in my initial POST request that creates a signing package. It's not working. ESL creates the package with no error messages but the reminders never get sent.
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OneSpan Sign
We were successfully sending transactions and documents to OneSpan until the start of this week when we started receiving the below error. I have also put the invoking code below, it is based on the Apex SDK. It's a weird error as this was working on Friday..
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OneSpan Sign
I am using the SDK to create a ceremony with a custom signer id and I need to use the signer's email.
The SignerBuilder.withCustomId(String) method's javadoc says the following:
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
The following code does not return the specific error message.