58 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
what are the best practices when it comes to managing senders that no longer work for the business?
Do you delete them from the system?
If yes, how does it affect the existing docs they were senders at?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
How can i use SDK to set multiple signature block on the same document for a single signer and the values to be passed dynamically.
I have a list of coordinates which specify the position and size of my signature block for a single signer on a single document.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi There,
I am a newbie to eSignLive and is doing some research to see how we can improve our sales process.
Our system currently generates contracts (PDF) dynamically and then email it to customer for signature.
I know that through the eSignLive portal, I can mark up where in the PDF contract cu
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi There,
According to the requirements we have, if a person doesn’t completes the purchase by paying but has signed the documents, if that person comes back again after certain number of days, he needs to do the whole transaction again.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
What is the recommended way to be able to rapidly develop and iterate on a series of forms we're using for application integration, then be able to deploy them to a production instance?
I tried the tool recommended by OneSpan's phone support at https://developer.esignlive.com/code-share/esignlive-c
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OneSpan Sign
This code seem to allow dynamic creation of a group with a custom Id. However, after the group's created, it seem to reflect a different group Id.
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OneSpan Sign
I have a working form running app to sand box, I am now trying to make the sender dynamic. When I send the form with the sender email that was set up with original sand box account everything works fine.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi there.
We have recently signed up with eSignLive to use with Salesforce, and at the moment Conga.
I’ve found this document from your Online Guides on using Conga with eSignLive –
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OneSpan Sign
We're using document extraction to populate a Signature Date field with the date of signing via naming a form field with something like this: [Signer1.Capture1.label1.Date].
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
The Redirect URL is getting some values appended to it by OSS. Something like this pattern: ?package=[packageID]&signer=[signerID]&status=COMPLETED