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OneSpan Sign
I need to create a application which would allow the user to pass the text anchor position in String format.
I understand that TextAnchorPOsition is of type enum.
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OneSpan Sign
I'm looking for information on the declined process. When a signer declines a document, what happens in the system? Does the signer status get updated or is this at a package level? What happens to the package?
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OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to inject the values using field names rather than ID , since its becoming very difficult to send values using id because if we have four environments each time its very difficult to inject values using ID.
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OneSpan Sign
in the account setting for the below resource, can I put '"$RECIPIENT_NAME;" as the variable there? if so, could you please provide the sample?
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OneSpan Sign
With this https://www.esignlive.com/blog/e-signlive-how-to-setting-up-callbacks/ , it looks like callbacks can be setup via code rather than through the eSign Admin UI. Do you setup this callback each time a package for is created?
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OneSpan Sign
Where can we send the reminder notification related parameters in initial package creation request.
Please share me the sample initial package creation json request for setting reminder related information.
As of now i am using create a reminder schedule by making a POST request to the bas
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OneSpan Sign
Hi Team,
we see this issue randomly this days in dev environment
“Refused to display 'https://sandbox.esignlive.com/login?destination=https%3A%2F%2Fsandbox.esignlive.com%2Fpackages%2F86GGsVeNAeOanM84sieS2GMizWs%3D%2Fdocuments%2Ff5b71418-fc96-4826-9cd1-3089585f7a57%3F' in a frame because it set
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OneSpan Sign
I am unable to create a package with the JAVA sdk for the attached document. I am getting an eslServerException with a technical message ' error.eslx.inputValidation.documentPreverifyError'.