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OneSpan Sign
At my work place, we are trying to get a Sender Authentication token for a package using the below information
Authorization and Accept Headers are included.
In Body, in the request payload, inlcuded packageId in JSON.
Getting below error
"code": 404,
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
After doing some 11.39 SANDBOX testing; seems retrieving Sender via Email works but retrieving Sender via Sender ID does not.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi there.
What I'm trying to do is specify the sender of a package to be [email protected]. Our main account owner is [email protected]. No matter how I update my JSON, the package sender is still [email protected].
Here is my pertinent JSON package
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OneSpan Sign
We are using subaccounts and I want to see what senders have rights in the main account and each subaccount. Any suggestions on the API call to use? I have access to the sender API keys and unique IDs if that helps.
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OneSpan Sign
Get sender ids by owner’s api key
API Call : https://sandbox.e-signlive.com/api/account/senders
We are trying to retrieve the senders by owners API key. In the response it returns only one sender where we have multiple senders. Can you please help with this.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi There,
In our application, we are using one particular email for communications and we want the emails that go from eSignLive to the customer using the same email.
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OneSpan Sign
We have been trying to sign all documents using the canadian REST API (e-signlive.ca/api)
We tried creating a package with the code provided on https://developer.esignlive.com/guides/feature-guides/sign-documents/ .
We added a role ('Sender') and approval for this role.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
From sender UI, when user click the download button, it will download all the signed document as zip file, is it possible to include evidence summary for each package when clicking ‘ download’ button?
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OneSpan Sign
Hi everybody,
I'm wondering if there is a way to define a sender that doesn't have an account in onespan
I need to create packages created by some users from my platform and i would love to skip replicate those accounts inside onespan
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi Team ,
As suggested by you we are using single step package creation call where in package creation, doc upload and status sent happens at one go .For this we are using silanis provided java class.
This is wrking perfectly fine in all environments but when we moved to production , its giving conn