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OneSpan Sign
When the sandbox send the email in English to a signer, how can I customize the contents in Japanese ?
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OneSpan Sign
Dealing with another tricky requirement.
For one of the signers, it is requested that the email contain only the signature page (and not any of the additional pages). Is there a good way to specify what pages should be sent out in the follow-up email post-signature?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We're experiencing an issue with our Email sent from OneSpan where we select the package's language as French, the signer's language as french, but they receive it in English.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
In doing some testing in my sandbox, I noted that if I submit a package with a signer with an invalid email address, early the next morning I got a delivery failure notification to my email inbox.
I'm curious if there is a way to actively monitor email delivery status via the API?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
When we create a package and send it to OneSpan, OneSpan sends an email to the customer to inform him/her that there is a document which he/she can sign. In this email, there is also a link to OneSpan where the document is available for signing.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have a scenario for a package with 1 document and 2 signers, only 1 signer required to sign the document.
when this package sent , both of the signers received the activate email (1 signer for signing, and another signer just review - no signature required.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to create a template with up to 5 signers but dynamically choose how many will actually be signing the package? I created a package with 2 signers but if I only include 1 signer it throws an unassigned role error.
"name": "{{name}}",
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Right now when a potential signer receives an email and clicks the link to view the document, there is no way for us to receive any notifications this has occurred.
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OneSpan Sign
I'm looking for a way to modify a signers first or last name as well as email after they've begun signing documents.
Is this at all possible?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have created a package in Onespan, during which an email gets generated. But now, I want to send a reminder notification email to signers of this existing package, with a link to the onespan docs. How can I do this in Java?