127 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Hi, we are testing the email bounced function and found that sometimes OneSpan does not send a callback for the "fake" email we use.
For example,
[email protected] - Callback Worked on this email
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Based on past investigation and a recent onespan posting it appears callbacks remain the only way to get email bounce back, and pin lockout notification. This information would be beneficial via the APIs. If reluctant to have it be in the signer status... as signature pending is considered valid...
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
in our current version 11.25, I found for callback event i.e PACKAGE_READY_FOR_COMPLETE, the sessionUser has the account user id information in the request.
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OneSpan Sign
I would like to know if there is any way to identify (without callback) delegation information and who delegates to who using REST API. I have firewall limitations that's why callback is out of the question.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a callback event when a signer views the document to tbe signed, but does not take any further action after viewing.
The signer simply closes the browser
Is there a webpage that describes all the callback events.
What is the "transaction Activated" event
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have a document which two or more people need to sign it. I would like to for each sign OneSpan call my Callback API or when all people sign the document my callback api will be called by OneSpan.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We're trying to implement OneSpan Sign, but in the process of using Apex SDK, we noticed that Callback Event Notifications are not getting created for the transaction. If we create the transaction manually in Salesforce, event notifications are created for the transaction.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I will have a great number of users to maintain.
In order to simplify process and to make adding and modifying users I need to (or prefer to)
1. Add users programmatically (this probably has to return user API key)
2. Once user is added I would need to modify
a. Callback URL
b. Callback Key
c. Sele
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I want to update the status in my database as soon as user sign the document. I haven't found code to get the status as soon as signer sign the document. I did register all the even using callback example code.