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OneSpan Sign
Hello when I try to sign a document at onespan web with a uanataca TOKEN usb (bit4id token) this error appear:
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have placed a signing date tag the top of my document. The document essentially reads "this is effective as of {{esl:Signer1:SigningDate}}." When we open the signing ceremony this is blank and just leave a large space in between the words and is leading to confusion.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello Support Team,
I am using .Net SDK for esign designer view.
Currently, I am using PDF files for esigning that is working as expected.
but, I want to know that how many documents types (other than PDF) are supported by onespan for esigning?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello Duo,
Here is our use case scenario:
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We would like to seek help on how we can change the text on the signing URL:
• After a document is eSigned on the portal through a signing ceremony URL, there is a pop-up with “thank you for using the OneSpan”?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are integrating with Onespan using Rest API.
We have three types of Roles. Broker , customer and Business.
Broker first sign an agreement(using esign), followed by customer and then Business people sign an agreement.
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OneSpan Sign
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi! All
We have a requirement where the user need to fill in forms with additional fields being entered in the PDF post OneSpan signatures.